Simple steps to stop your stress
Peggy Spencer/Daily Lobo columnist | May 3This is the time of year when I wave my arms and shout into the void, helplessly hoping that I can convince you to take care of yourself.
This is the time of year when I wave my arms and shout into the void, helplessly hoping that I can convince you to take care of yourself.
Dear Dr. Peg, I’m looking for someone to help me with my husband who is bipolar and refuses to get the help he needs.
Dear Dr Peg, What is the fastest way to get rid of a cold sore when it is already on your lip?
By now most of you have finished your finals and are getting ready to head for the beach, the folks’ house, or the summer job.
Dear Dr. Peg When I get a headache or get sick with body aches or fever, I like to take something to help me feel better.
Do you have stress? Stupid question, right? We all have stress. Do you want stress? Probably not. Although stress isn’t always a bad thing – pressure can make you produce, and sometimes you have to produce – it can harm you, too.
Rubbing my itchy eyes and blowing my runny nose after writing my sixth prescription of the day for allergy medicine, I decided it is time for my yearly article on allergies.
Q: Is it true that having a tongue piercing increases your chances of getting a heart rhythm problem? A: Yes, it is true that having a tongue piercing increases your chances of getting a heart problem, but the problem isn’t with the rhythm.
New Pap Test recommendations Ladies, this one is for you, and it is good news. You have probably heard of a Pap smear.
Dear Dr. Peg I enjoyed your column on balding in the Dec. 8 issue of the Daily Lobo. At 52 years old, balding has never been a problem for me.