Photo Essay: Jacocha
Nick Sanchez | October 5Local Indie rock/alternative band Jacocha is fresh out of the womb but are already stacking up the accolades.
Local Indie rock/alternative band Jacocha is fresh out of the womb but are already stacking up the accolades.
Chaz Puett, Jacob Griego and Danny Castillo of Jacocha jam at the Launchpad where they won a Battle of the Bands. Jacocha has only been together for four short months but has also earned a “Best Local Band” title from local rock station “The Edge.”
Research assistant professor Anton Bryantsev demonstrates the research process for a study on fruit flies in an attempt to learn how muscles work in the human body. Researchers use genetic modifications to manipulate muscle movements and convert muscles from one type to another.
Will Phillip hangs strings of lights in the bosque Saturday night to prepare for Bosque Lights. Bosque Lights was an event hosted by “Nobody” and promoted through social media.
Ashleigh Abbott sets up tree branches to hold up lights. Nearly 200 people attended the event before police arrived, and more than 400 people RSVP’d on Facebook.
Nichole Evans (left) and Megan Mentillo twirl colored light hula hoops. Bosque Lights was supposed to feature aerialists, comedians, musicians, poets and jugglers before it was shut down.
Bosque Lights attendees watch as the police ask them to vacate the premises. The organizers said they purposely did not get the proper permits because they believe public space should be used by the public without so many regulations.