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'Grateful Dawg' reclaims music
Benjamin S. Rogerson | January 31Gillian Grisman's documentary "Grateful Dawg" chronicles the friendship and musical partnership between David "Dawg" Grisman and Jerry Garcia from the early 1960s until Garcia's death in 1994.
COLUMN: Prejudice remains prevalent in U.S.
Laura E. Valdez | January 31Black History Month gives cause to pause and reflect upon African American History in the United States. It's a history that many would rather ignore, because it is an ugly mark on these United States.
Humans must be studied to best fight AIDS
January 31The death of a monkey recently made headlines around the world. He was part of what was originally touted to be a promising vaccine trial for Human Immunodeficiency Virus, HIV, carried out by Harvard researchers.
U.S. attorney defines role
Andrew Webb | January 31David Iglesias, the recently appointed U.S. Attorney General for the district of New Mexico, spoke Wednesday about his new position and its role in the wake of the terrorist attacks.
LETTER: Lobo cites incorrect disorder death toll
January 31The article in Tuesday's Daily Lobo by Jason Gil Bear stated that "20 percent of college women who suffer from an eating disorder die before the age of 25."
Window to the Past
January 31Rebecca Malison looks at Pueblo pottery now on display in the Center for Southwest Research in Zimmerman Library Wednesday. The center houses the UNM General Library's special collections focusing on New Mexico and the Southwest.
Discussion to focus on impact of sprawl
Dagmar Gromann | January 311,000 Friends of New Mexico is sponsoring an off-campus forum tonight about the effects of urbanization on health and how the community can help.
Local stores feeling sting of recession
Iliana Limn | January 31While the economic downturn has hit small businesses hard nationwide, local entrepreneur Melinda Rand-Kenefic said she sees it as a chance to improve customer service.
Polaroid exhibit surprisingly creative
Emily Sperry | January 31American physicist Edwin Land introduced the revolutionary process of instant photography to the world in 1947. The history of this process and the evolution that eventually formed the Polaroid Corporation is examined in a framed introduction exhibited in Innovation/Imagination: 50 Years of Polaroid Photography, which is showing at the University Art Museum in the Center for the Arts building.
COLUMN: Somalia skeletons could haunt U.S.
Mike Wolff | January 31In his State of the Union Address Tuesday, President Bush laid down the future of U.S. foreign policy, its virtue, and its justification: "We've come to know truths that we will never question: Evil is real, and it must be opposed."
LETTER: Kitchen pests can be controlled
January 31I have received several work orders this semester about little "worms" in kitchen cabinets. These are not worms or maggots; they are the larval stage of either a moth or a beetle, from a group collectively known as stored-product pests.
Gallery features diverse array of faculty artwork
Marissa Jurez | January 31One of the things I've come to appreciate most about UNM's always-under-construction campus is the fact that new places to be discovered always exist amid the nooks and crannies within its often unexplored vicinity.
LETTER: Walker should have to face his enemies in U.S.
January 30I would like to respond to Mr. Hammar's plea in a letter to the editor in Tuesday's Daily Lobo that John Walker be given a "fair" trial by the United Nations.
Softball looks for offensive season
Angela Williams | January 30Members of the UNM women's softball team said they know they have the defense that can help them become one of the best teams in the Mountain West Conference, but they're aching to prove they also have the offense that will propel them to the top.
University says funding forecast looks encouraging
Andrew Webb | January 30The Faculty Senate received a legislative session update and approved resolutions regarding the library system, CIRT and restructuring in the College of Education Tuesday.
UNM staff, faculty brace for insurance plan changes
Angela Williams | January 30The inevitable impact of changes in UNM employee health insurance on faculty and staff members was the focus of discussion during a town hall meeting on campus Tuesday.
COLUMN: Scandal shouldn't kill deregulation
January 30As the chaotic destruction of Enron continues to drop new fallout on the business and political scene, new questions are arising as to the relationship that should exist between energy companies and the government. The United States isn't the only country to feel the blow of Enron's fall; the United Kingdom's recently deregulated energy market is reeling from the blow amid similar accusations of government collaboration.