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LETTER: Riders not warned of new bus seating rules
March 22This morning, in "G" Lot around 8:40 a.m., a huge group of us students who pay money to park and ride approached the shuttle and we were greeted by a new rule. "No one can be standing in the aisle on the bus, please get on and look for a seat, if there are none, you'll have to get off, and wait for the next bus."
LETTER: Richardson coverage overlooks shady past
March 21I'd like to respond to your article in the March 19 Daily Lobo about New Mexico Democratic primary candidate Bill Richardson's visit to the UNM Health Sciences Center.
Campus Briefs
March 21The UNM School of Medicine class of 2002 will open envelopes that reveal where they will begin their residency programs at 11 a.m. today. Seventy-two UNM students submitted their top 10 residency preferences. Last year, 87 percent of medical students were matched with one of their top three choices of residency programs.
Senate committee approves key ASUNM election appointees
Arthur Simoni | March 21The ASUNM Presidential Appointments Committee approved two elections commissioners, a presidential aide and a court justice Wednesday.
A wrestling soap opera at Theatre X
Rafael E. Gallegos | March 21There is no need to tune in to WWF on the tube to get your wrestling fix this weekend. Head on down to Theatre X for some good ol' theatrical rasslin'.
University caught in budget crossfire
Iliana Limn | March 21As the state's budget standoff between Gov. Gary Johnson and legislators continues, UNM and its hospital that is dependent Medicaid funding remain stuck in the crossfire.
UNM fund-raiser to help rebuild Nigerian village
Marissa Padilla | March 21The UNM Nutrition Club will be selling Nigerian food on campus Friday to raise money to help rebuild an African village where nutrition and biochemistry students have studied during the past 10 years.
COLUMN: Wanted: one coach/president
March 21The almost simultaneous announcements of the departure of UNM President William Gordon and head basketball coach Fran Fraschilla provided a snapshot of what the University is all about in the eyes of most New Mexicans. The notice of Gordon's retirement occupied only an inch or two on the front page of the Albuquerque Journal, while that of Fraschilla's termination was spread all over the front page and the sports section.
31 flavors
March 21Author Adela Amador hands signed copies of her books, "Southwest Flavors: Cooking Across Cultures" and "Twelve Gifts: Recipes from a Southwest Kitchen," to security officer Mary Kaye after a reading in Zimmerman Library's Willard Reading Room Wednesday.
Embracing her inner Cha Cha Girl
Iliana Limn | March 21It took Mar°a Elena Fern†ndez 36 years to find her true identity and reconcile the need to please her conservative Mexican parents, embrace her sexuality and maintain a feminist outlook.
Play focuses on fame, religion in post-war era
Valerie Jo Medina | March 21Just in time for Easter, the Podium Players present the drama "Patricio, El Penitente" at the Menaul School Theater.
Lobos lose one of fab freshmen
Francisco Ojeda | March 21The freshmen for the UNM women's basketball team played an integral role in helping the Lobos reach the NCAA Tournament, but one has decided to leave.
Senate committee approves key ASUNM election appointees
Arthur Simoni | March 21The ASUNM Presidential Appointments Committee approved two elections commissioners, a presidential aide and a court justice Wednesday.
UNM event to celebrate composers
Anna Angeli | March 21The 31st annual John Donald Robb Composer's Symposium is an internationally-renowned event that will feature visiting composers from around the world.
Clyne brings 'Hope' to Americana
Kenn Rodrguez | March 21Now that Tom Petty is finally in the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame, we can comfortably start talking about contenders to his throne. Ryan Adams is at the front of the line, but Roger Clyne ain't far behind.
Front page of Wednesday's Lobo riddled with mistakes
March 21I realize the students just came back from Spring Break, but can't you do a better job of actually editing and proof reading your copy before it gets printed? The Wednesday edition first page not only has spelling errors (poision), but reports the Fall 2001 enrollment will be affected by the changes in the GPA for the bridge scholarship. I presume you meant the Fall 2002 enrollment.
Officers offers tips on curbing graffiti
Andrew Webb | March 21Albuquerque Police Detective M. Garcia says the best way for teachers to keep gang symbolism out of schools is to learn how to spot it and forbid students to use the loopy scrawls and cryptic vocabulary in the classroom.