Students to give UNM taste of Cuban folkore
Iliana Limn | December 4The UNM community can get a taste of internationally-renown Cuban folklore in an unlikely corner of campus this week.
The UNM community can get a taste of internationally-renown Cuban folklore in an unlikely corner of campus this week.
For nearly a year, everyone waited for "It," an eccentric dreamer's secret invention said to be so magical it would change our very lives.
The Student Health Center is sponsoring an open house and free 15-minute massages this week to help ring in the holidays and ease students into finals week.
Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon declared his nation at war Monday as warplanes and helicopters blasted Palestinian targets in the West Bank and near Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat's headquarters in Gaza City.
Mayor Martin Ch†vez says he sees a bright future for graduating UNM students while he is mayor of Albuquerque.
A full moon rises over luminarias on Smith Plaza Friday night. About 10,500 of the decorations were lit before sundown to kick off the annual Hanging of the Greens.
Connection slate candidates from the Nov. 14 ASUNM election told the Student Court Friday that they violated no rules when they allegedly stuffed 2,000 copies of the Daily Lobo with fliers on election day.
International students planning to return home for next month's winter break are being warned that they might have a tough time getting back into the United States, USC officials say.
Dr. Martha McGrew said New Mexico's healthcare system is in need of help during a forum in Mesa Vista Hall Thursday.
Hundreds of graduate teaching assistants at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign walked out of classes Wednesday, darkening classrooms across campus and leaving thousands of undergraduate students without teachers.
The ASUNM Presidential Appointments Committee approved a long list of appointees for key student government positions during its meeting Wednesday.
John Hannabass prepares for a critique on his final project for his intermediate sculpting class on the second floor of the Art Department Wednesday. Although the eight 18-by 20-inch strips of sod on easels do not have a title, Hannabass refers to his work as landscape paintings.
Peter White, a UNM professor and interim dean of University College since August 2000, was selected earlier this month to permanently fill the position. "Peter brings a strong commitment, considerable experience and a breadth of knowledge to the position," Foster said in a UNM statement.
If you are one of many UNM students who lock their bicycles to railings instead of racks on the way to class, watch out.
Employees at Dane's Deli in Dane Smith Hall are looking a little closer at the money they receive after someone tried to fool them with a painted coin.
In Arizona, college students from across the state rallied this month at the state Capitol to protest cuts in university funding.
The nine candidates who ran on the Connection slate during the Nov. 14 student government election have filed an appeal of the fines and sanctions for campaign violations levied by the ASUNM Elections Commission.
David Prentice from Wild Blue Yonder School of Flight demonstrates to his student Jelani Allen how to control a paraglider on Johnson Field Monday.
Dr. Karl M. Johnson, world famous virologist and adjunct professor of medicine and biology at UNM, was recently awarded Panama's highest scientific honor.
Winthrop University is warning students to stop downloading copyrighted music over the university's computer system.