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The Setonian

Students, staff address officials

For the first time in recent history top UNM officials came together to make themselves available for questions and comments from the University community Thursday - a forum fueled by anger and frustration from many faculty members and students. A line of 19 people, with questions in hand, stretched through the SUB Ballroom and into the hall, waiting to address a seven member panel consisting of three UNM regents, the presidents of both University student governments as well as the presidents of Faculty Senate and Staff Council.

The Setonian

Sauce revamps to attract crowds

Downtown nightspots Sauce and Liquid Lounge reopened two weeks ago after dramatic remodeling. Casey Seis, one of Sauce/Liquid's three owners, said the revamp was costly but necessary. "It was a fairly expensive remodel," Seis said. "But it's a cost that's fairly intrinsic to the type of business.

The Setonian

Proposed law targets aggressive beggars

Mayor Martin Ch†vez unveiled a proposal last week aimed at preventing aggressive panhandling and reducing the risk of Albuquerque's citizens being intimidated or assaulted by street solicitors. The proposal went to the City Council yesterday, and if passed, it will take effect 60 days after publication.

The Setonian

Ribbons assist prevention

Many UNM community members received a crash course on drug and alcohol abuse and drunk driving Wednesday from the Student Health Center as part of the third annual Red Ribbon Day. During the last week of October, red ribbons are distributed nationwide by various organizations to inform the population about drug and alcohol abuse.

The Setonian

News in brief

Suspected heroin found in separate incidents Campus police are looking into three separate cases involving syringes containing suspected drugs discovered on campus. UNM Hospital staff reported to campus police that they found three syringes, two containing a brown liquid, in a patient's room on Oct.

The Setonian

Campusworkers urged to unite

"Unionizing is the key to success," was the message from one of the country's most noted political activists and labor organizers when she spoke at UNM Wednesday. Dolores Huerta, a native New Mexican who worked with such revolutionaries as Julio Cesar Chavez, spoke to a crowd of more than 100 at the SUB about the importance of protecting workers' rights and securing a level of treatment in all organizations, including the University.

The Setonian

Permit forgeries plague UNM

People parking illegally on campus with forged parking permits is a big problem at UNM, said Clovis Acosta, director of the Parking and Transportation Services department. Between 200-300 of the phony permits are confiscated from cars in University parking lots every semester, according to Parking and Transportation Services department numbers.

The Setonian

Calif. fire origins remain suspicious

LOS ANGELES - Even as crews battled Southern California's ferocious and fatal wildfires, investigators were trying to determine who set them. "Over half of the fires in Southern California are of suspicious origin or definitely arson," said James Wright, chief of fire protection for the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.

The Setonian

Computer pornography unmonitored by CIRT

UNM does not monitor the viewing of Internet pornography on campus, mainly because it would infringe on academic freedom and free speech, CIRT officials say. "We don't log what Web pages people look at or what e-mails they send," said Matt Carter, a technical support manager at Computer and Information Resources and Technology.

The Setonian

News in Brief

National More homes lost in Calif., fire fighters exhausted SAN DIEGO (AP) - Flames raged along a vast front in devastated San Diego County on Tuesday as one chief warned that firefighters were being forced off the lines by exhaustion, even if it meant that more homes would be destroyed.

The Setonian

Nourishing the spirit

Mujib Sardar rose well before sunrise today to perform a morning prayer and eat a small breakfast. He will spend the rest of the day praying another four times, kneeling east, toward the Muslim holy city of Mecca. He will not eat again until after sundown.

The Setonian

Poll: Ban widely supported

Albuquerque voters overwhelmingly support the city's smoking ban, which prohibits smoking in most public places, according to a recent poll by New Mexicans Concerned About Tobacco. The results of the poll, in which the group surveyed 500 city residents, show 75 percent of voters support the ordinance, which went into effect in July.

The Setonian

Common STD still occurring at UNM

Reported chlamydia cases continue to rise at UNM, with six more University students contracting the disease this month. The new cases bring the University total to 12 this year, the bulk coming in the last two months. There were four reported cases of the disease at UNM in September.

The Setonian

Grant awarded to attract minorities

by Ellen Cole Daily Lobo More minorities have opted to come to UNM over the past decade, and that is keeping with a national trend, according to a nationwide study. Minority enrollment has increased 38 percent at UNM in the past nine years. During the same time period, the number of white students enrolled has decreased, said Associate Registrar Jep Choate.

The Setonian

News in brief

Legislature convenes to discuss state tax code SANTA FE (AP) - Lawmakers gathered Monday to tinker with the tax code as Republicans promised to resist any efforts to make tax increases part of the package. The big tax bill that will incorporate Gov.

The Setonian

Shelter reacts to cold snap

Joy Junction has stepped up its efforts to provide Albuquerque's homeless with a warm meal and shelter since the recent spell of cold weather. As the state's largest homeless shelter, Joy Junction operates buses that search the streets of the city every night of the year looking for people in need of a warm bed, said Jeremy Reynalds, the shelter's executive director.

The Setonian

Students rise against Patriot Act

The Patriot Act was the target of pointed criticism at a rally on campus Monday. Rep. Tom Udall, D-N.M., shared a makeshift stage on the lawn west of Zimmerman Library with City Councilor Eric Griego and Tova Indritz, secretary of the New Mexico American Civil Liberties Union in protesting the highly controversial act.

The Setonian

Starbucks gives more than boost

Coffee lovers may be getting more than they bargained for when they purchase a cup of joe from Starbucks. Researchers from the University of Florida released the findings of a study Friday where, every day for a week, they purchased cups of the internationally known coffee and measured the amount of caffeine in them.

The Setonian

Officials work to decrease drinking

Liquor law violations on campus went down in number last year, but they are still a problem UNM officials are trying to eliminate. In 2001, there were 198 violations of University alcohol regulations, according to UNM's Campus Safety Report. In 2002, that number shrunk to 174, but officials say it is still too high.

The Setonian

Former president explores new field

Richard Peck has been a busy man since retiring as UNM's 15th president in 1998. Peck's eight-year period as head of New Mexico's largest university was followed by some advisory work at two colleges in Florida and a little more than a year back at UNM teaching English courses.

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