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The Setonian

Movie star to stump for Kerry in SUB

Two students thought for a minute about who he could be. You know, he is Joan Cusack's brother, the one in "Sixteen Candles," Brandy Putt said. Then they remembered. Actor John Cusack is scheduled to speak to students today in the SUB Ballroom in support of Democratic presidential nominee Sen.

The Setonian

Event encourages bikes, walking

Scooters, bikes, unicycles - it doesn't matter as long as it's not a car. Today is International Walk or Bike to School Day. UNM will join 3,000 schools across the nation in the event's eighth year, aimed at healthy forms of transportation. "It doesn't necessarily mean by bike, although that is the most healthy alternative," said Allie Thompson, director for the event.

The Setonian

Campuses in the news

Medication caused student death, autopsy says ANN ARBOR, Mich. (U-WIRE) - The Washtenaw County Medical Examiner's Office released the autopsy results on Monday for Kristi Anne Sprecher, who was found dead in her West Quad Residence Hall room at the University of Michigan on Sept.

The Setonian

Bar tightens ID checks to deter minors

Downtown Distillery isn't taking any more chances when it comes to underage drinkers and fake IDs. For the past month and a half, the bar at 406 Central Ave. has been photocopying patrons' IDs and having them sign a statement saying they are at least 21 and their driver license is valid.

The Setonian

Free depression screenings at the SUB

by Christie Chisholm Daily Lobo Depression and bipolar disorder are daunting issues, so Agora Crisis Center is trying to lighten the mood. Today in the SUB, Agora is cosponsoring a National Depression Screening and Bipolar Awareness Day for students from 9 a.

The Setonian

Dorms easy fit for freshmen

Instead of having to juggle cable, utilities, phone and rent, UNM provides it all in one package for students who live on campus. The cost of living on campus ranges from $1,800 to $3,600 each semester. The rates include air conditioning, local calls, voice mail, cable and high-speed Internet access.

The Setonian

Verbal feud erupts on Smith Plaza

The last day to register to vote became an opportunity for political campus groups to duke it out on Tuesday. The College Republicans and the Progressive Student Alliance, which includes the College Democrats, the College Greens and the League of Pissed Off Voters, made a lot of noise and commotion around noontime on Smith Plaza as members of each group yelled comments back and forth for more than 15 minutes.

The Setonian

Cobb speaks on faults of democracy

Green Party presidential candidate David Cobb said the "anybody but Bush" attitude is a syndrome afflicting liberals, indicating the dysfunction of American democracy. "If you feel like you have to hold your nose and cast a ballot against Bush, at least acknowledge the stench," Cobb said.

The Setonian

Auto break-ins 'crimes of opportunity'

by Deborah Harvey Daily Lobo Cmdr. James Daniels of the UNM Police Department said there have been 40 auto burglaries on campus and two arrests in connection with the burglaries since June. "Most of these break-ins are crimes of opportunity," Daniels said.

The Setonian

Panel tackles election issues

Senior John Paiz said the turnout of students at the first election 2004 forum series was a reflection of young voters in general. "I was disappointed not more people showed up, given New Mexico's status as a battleground state," he said. About 30 students and community members attended the forum organized by UNM President Louis Caldera and the Department of Political Science.

The Setonian

Last day for students to register with voter drives

If you haven't registered to vote, today's your last chance. Kind of. Today is the last day to register with voter registration drives. County clerks will accept hand-delivered forms until Friday at 5 p.m. Mailed registration forms, however, must be postmarked by today.

The Setonian

Candidate's stepson urges youth to vote

Sen. John Kerry's stepson visited the University on Monday and said tuition is a crisis on college campuses. Chris Heinz said tuition is up 35 percent nationwide. At UNM, tuition has increased by $1,300 over the last four years. "People are having a hard time making ends meet," Heinz said.

The Setonian

7th UNM medal given

The UNM Board of Regents awarded a Spanish business executive the University Medal on Monday. I§igo de Oriol e Ybarra, the chairman of Iberdrola, one of Spain's leading energy corporations, received the award in appreciation of Iberdrola's financing of a $1.

The Setonian

Judges chat with Downtown crowd

A political question-and-answer session isn't usually the first thing one would expect to find at a Downtown nightclub. Three district judges up for re-election in Bernalillo County fielded questions from young people at Sauce on Saturday. The three judges aren't running against each other and say the biggest difference between them and their opponents is qualifications.

The Setonian

Donors can't buy Pit bids

President Louis Caldera said Friday that companies that donate to the Lobo Club will not be given preference in University business. The Lobo Club is UNM's athletics fund-raising organization. A request for proposals for the Pit's expansion project was sent out Sept.

The Setonian

Talk opens eyes about military school's training

Imagine being sentenced to three months in federal prison for simply crossing over a white line at a U.S. military base or living in a world where exercising your First Amendment rights isn't always a good idea. These situations were reality for Judy Bierbaum and Felix Caballero because of their personal commitments to a movement to shut down a little-known U.

The Setonian

Strange phobias bring goosebumps

by Becky Swartswatter Daily Lobo You're eating peanut butter and jelly for lunch. The girl sitting across the table tells you she will not touch a peanut butter sandwich. Why? She has arachibutyrophobia, or the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of her mouth.

The Setonian

UNMH, union agree on raises

After several months of deadlocked negotiations, the local 2166 labor union and the UNM Hospital administration signed a pay contract Friday. The contract gives employees of 2166 a 3 percent raise. The union is part of the Mountain West Regional Conference of Carpenters and represents 1,132 of the hospital's technical and support staff.

The Setonian

Bush vs Kerry

Joel Miller junior It's been fought to a standstill. Bush has more clever, witty remarks, and Kerry is more just trying to save face. I'm expecting a Bush victory unless Nader wins. Amy Gackenbach freshman Kerry is presenting himself much better than Bush.

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