The Groobees' sound is truly Texas
Iliana Limn | March 6The Groobees combine a laid-back style with phenomenal lyrics for a pop-country sound that is truly Texas.
The Groobees combine a laid-back style with phenomenal lyrics for a pop-country sound that is truly Texas.
"Woyzeck," an unfinished play written by Georg Buchner in 1836, is being produced as a UNM student production at the Riverside Theatre.
Steven Ryniak's first book "Dear Alice . Rejected Letters to Advice Columns From Completely Insane Idiots," is not your typical manuscript by any stretch of the imagination.
The popularity of sex and violence in entertainment is not a recent development, said David Jones, a UNM English and theater professor.
Sensitive men no longer need to wear ponytails and Henry Rollins is the proof. Rollins will roll into Albuquerque with a style that can make you weep, laugh and shout for joy all at once.
Tony Furtado, who is barely out of his 20s, has taken the banjo to a whole new level. The frontman for the Tony Fortado Band specializes in an easy-going, laid-back bluegrass sound.
Mistletoe's sonic aesthetic music occupies a niche that's somewhere between Weezer and Promise Ring, and with its first CD release Sorry It's Been So Long, on its self-started label, June Records.
“Wicked” has won more than 90 international awards, remained the top-grossing Broadway production for nine consecutive years and broken theater house records in every city it has visited.