Indigo earns acclaim with contagious sound
Rachel Heisler | April 24Local singer/songwriter Rex Warren released his first CD Indigo Blue to a packed house at Brian O'Brien's Pub March 16.
Local singer/songwriter Rex Warren released his first CD Indigo Blue to a packed house at Brian O'Brien's Pub March 16.
The 2001 edition of Scribendi successfully displays some of UNM's finest writers as well as work written by regional artists.
“Josie and The Pussycats,” with its girl power, light-hearted humor and simple theme, was a joy to watch from start to finish.
ASUNM is sponsoring UNM's first Love-In Saturday from 2-6 p.m. on Johnson Field.
“The Pope and The Witch,” a satirical play about the Catholic Church, is being produced at the Rodey Theatre by the UNM Department of Theatre and Dance.
The Harwood Art Center's presentation of Oregon artist NanDei McAnally's "Enter-Action: Pencils" is an exhibit that any educational community can appreciate.
A new movement of hardcore techno-metal will invade the Albuquerque Convention Center, 401 Second St. N.W., Saturday at 7 p.m.
Thursday was an incredibly unpredictable day for me. The only thing I was certain of was that Colin Quinn, formerly a comedian on “Saturday Night Live,” was going to be performing in Woodward Hall. “Great,” I thought to myself, “Quinn is going to be in the most dreaded lecture hall of them all, the sight of many mid-afternoon psychology naps.”
Young and happy, strange and sappy: these are appropriate descriptions of Kevin Barnes, lead singer and primary songwriter of the band Of Montreal. Even more appropriate, perhaps, might be the word zany.
Godhead is in good hands. The band’s new CD, 2000 Years of Human Error, is out on Marylin Manson’s label, Posthuman Records. Manson, who has billed himself as the anti-Christ, oversaw the development of the Godhead album, which has hit number two on the alternative charts.
Don't let the brooding tracks on GoMotorCar's Thanks For Sharing My Head trick you into making a false judgment on the band's demeanor.
What would you do if the Ku Klux Klan surfaced in your town?
Artistic inspiration can come from the unlikeliest places. While waiting for a bus stop one day, choreographer Marsha Tallerico observed two people trying to light each other’s cigarettes.
I never had a problem learning to read, unless you count when my mom told me to read in my head.
Here’s a quick quiz for readers: Do you think Lynyrd Skynyrd is a person? Do you consider croutons vegetables? Do you wear your hair in a mullet, short on the top and sides — possibly spiked — and long in back? Do you still wear acid-washed jeans and sport Def Leppard concert T-shirts?
Presented through UNM’s Media Arts Department at the Guild Cinema Monday night was the Academy Award-nominated documentary by Josh Aronson, “Sound and Fury.”
The 13th annual “Blue Mesa Review” may not have a theme this year, but it still has an abundance of writing talent to be proud of.
The Southwest Film Center will premiere the films “Orfeu,” Nuyorican Dream” and “The Charcoal People” Friday, Saturday and Sunday as part of its Latin American Film Festival
Brian Graham seems like he stepped out of a time machine that came directly from the golden age of American folk music.
If funk grooves are mixed with the intellect of high jazz and a heavy dose of psychedelic color and the whole thing is brought to a boil, the product might be something like OM Trio’s music when it performs original compositions.