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The Setonian

#RelationshipStatus: Monogamish?

Polygamy means having more than one spouse or mate at the same time. Monogamy means having only one. They are both different forms of relationships, but they share one thing in common: they are clearly defined. But “monogamish”? What the hell does that mean?

The Setonian

US foreign policy endangers us all

The world has become a far more dangerous place since September 11, 2001. Since that terrible day, America’s belligerent, counter-productive foreign policy has created a firestorm of chaos and escalating conflict around the world.

The Setonian

Dr. Pegs Prescription

I have a soft spot in my heart for veterans, and it isn’t just because they call me “ma’am.” There are many reasons, but one might be because it is thanks to the resilience of a military man that I even exist today.

The Setonian

The Lobo Letter

Hey Lobos! Hello from the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico. We hope your year has started off well and you have gotten into the college routine.

The Setonian

State Republican views regressive

Do Republicans understand that we live in a republic? Republicanism asserts that all citizens possess unalienable rights that cannot be voted away by the majority. Yet Republican Gov. Susana Martinez has recently called for a vote to decide if all citizens of New Mexico have to right to get married.

The Setonian

Dr. Pegs Prescription

Dear Dr. Peg, I went to the SHAC a few days ago about small bumps I noticed on my penis and pubic area. The person I saw said they were molluscum contagiosum and she used a liquid nitrogen spray to freeze them off. I had 5 bumps and now they have all increased in size, popped, and are starting to scab up, like she said they would.

The Setonian


“Well he has a boyfriend, but I think he is flirting with me,” I said. “Why?” my friends asked. “Because he uses smiley faces and winky faces in his texts!”

The Setonian

Dr. Pegs Prescription

Does this sound familiar? A round, raw-looking sore on the edge of the lip, right where the lip meets the face. You have probably seen this on someone, perhaps even on yourself.

The Setonian

The Lobo Letter

Both GPSA and ASUNM are honored to give you a warm welcome for the 2013-2014 school year. ¡Bienvenidos! Having spent the summer planning for the present academic year, it is refreshing and encouraging to be surrounded by our colleagues,

The Setonian

America’s Founders were men, not deities

Can we stop with the Founding Fathers already? In Dayona Dodd’s column “Neither party works for us” in Wednesday’s Daily Lobo, we were once again treated to a phenomenon that has become rather prominent in our nation’s political discourse: the misguided “appeal to the Founding Fathers.”

The Setonian

This page could be your soapbox

So it’s that time of year again, everyone: The school year begins anew, students return to their hallowed halls of learning and the opinions begin flying around on campus and in the newspaper about everything from Chelsea, formerly Bradley, Manning’s imprisonment and request for hormonal therapy to what exactly Lobo Athletics is doing with all of that money.

The Setonian

Dr. Pegs Prescription

Welcome back to school. I hope you had a good summer, and are rested and ready to crack open the books and expand your mind. I also hope you had a healthy summer, with time to regroup and take care of your body.

The Setonian

The Lobo Letter

Welcome, incoming and returning students! In the early part of the summer, the leaders of the Associated Students of the University of New Mexico (ASUNM), the Graduate and Professional Students Association (GPSA), the Staff Council and the Faculty Senate started discussing additional ways to share some of our views

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