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The Setonian

Love can hurt, even in our dreams

I don’t often dream about real people. I’ve been having a reoccurring dream about one particular woman. She’s the object of perhaps the greatest love I’ve had for any woman. Perhaps just a great first love. We split under rather extreme circumstances. I avoided all contact with her and knowledge of her life — partly our of respect for her and partly out of necessity.

The Setonian

Dr. Pegs Prescription

Dear readers, This is my last column of the semester. This means most of you are too busy to read it, having higher priorities like studying for finals or writing papers. This is fine; I’m not offended. There is a time and place for everything.

The Setonian

Socialism drains a nation’s happiness

I want to thank Jason Darensburg for providing me with the real gem of a column, titled “US trails in happiness worldwide” in Wednesday’s Daily Lobo. It once again displays the need for socialists to distort the truth about reports, even when it’s the most subjective and equivocal study about the human condition.

The Setonian

US trails in happiness worldwide

Let’s be honest. America is not exactly the happiest place in the world to live. Not by a long shot. A complete list of all the causes would take up another entire column. Needless to say, a lot of people are pretty miserable right now.

The Setonian

Dr. Pegs Prescription

Dear Dr. Peg, Now that it is dark earlier, it might be good to remind students, who dress for fashion rather than light-colored winter jackets or clothing with reflective panels, that it is important to look both ways before crossing a street.

The Setonian

Parties no longer what voters want?

It’s pretty much a consensus, especially among many younger voters, that the current political climate isn’t really helping many people besides those already in power and low-information voters in both parties.

The Setonian

Migrant hate needs world’s attention

If ever there was a time to establish a World Parliament, it is now, in order to legislate strict punishment for hate crimes committed by local nationals against innocent migrants crossing borders for productive, law-abiding activity. No longer can distinct countries be trusted to enforce their own laws within their own borders.

The Setonian

Dr. Pegs Prescription

It is your turn to be the doctor. Here is our case of the week. I’m presenting it to you because we have had more than our usual cases of this particular malady this school year. See if you can figure out what is wrong with this fake patient before I give you the answer.

The Setonian

The Peer Review

Controversial evidence from neuroscience is pushing our legal system to reconsider what compels people to commit heinous crimes. The criminal justice system has historically been philosophical in nature, shaped by the prevailing values in society.

The Setonian

#RelationshipStatus: Holding out for a hero

When you think of a superhero, what comes to mind? If you are like my friends and me, then you might be thinking of rippling muscles, a stylish outfit and a cape that just won’t stop. But that is not the only reason we are attracted to heroes, right?

The Setonian

Anti-abortion rhetoric is counterproductive

I want empathy; at least some. In recent weeks, I’ve found myself getting more and more disappointed by the lack of empathy expressed by my fellow Albuquerque citizens with regard to the upcoming abortion ban vote. Although I can’t see myself ever getting an abortion past twenty weeks, or even before that point, I can still imagine how difficult a position some women find themselves where they may have to choose to undergo such a surgery.

The Setonian

Dr. Pegs Prescription

Once upon a time, a student took himself to a festivity, one with plentiful libations and jolly company. There he met a fair maiden, previously unbeknownst to him. He and the maiden shared a flagon, a flask, a carafe and a pitcher. After a merry evening he took her to bed. Upon rising the next day, he smacked himself in his pounding head and stuffed himself with generous servings of guilt and fear.

The Setonian

The Lobo Letter

Dear Colleagues, The coming weeks will be an important time to participate in activities that will shape the future of both UNM and Albuquerque. This is the time — despite our school obligations, work pressures, etc. — to share what is important to us as students.

The Setonian

Progressivism, Obamacare destructive to US

“If only people on the right would put as much energy into making it work as they would attacking it, it would work. This is the typical absurdity we get from Washington and the progressive left. But I’m not surprised. And of course, the reason their given program isn’t going so well is because those of us that have warned about it were exactly right.

The Setonian

#RelationshipStatus: The hunt for “Hallo-weiner”

“Halloween is the one night a year where a girl can dress like a total slut and no other girls can say anything about it.” ~Mean Girls Halloween is also the one night a year where it is socially acceptable for boys to wear tights, Chipotle is discounted and your dream of marrying a doctor or casting a love spell on Harry Potter can seem closer than ever before.

The Setonian

It’s time to demand the truth about UFOs

Bring up the subject of UFOs in mixed company and you’re likely get one of the following reactions: sarcastic eye-rolling or a silent, vacant stare. The reality of unidentified flying objects is universally derided in the mainstream media as unworthy of serious consideration.

The Setonian

Dr. Pegs Prescription

If you haven’t already guessed the answer to Gollum’s riddle for Bilbo the Hobbit, which is the topic of this article, you will soon. Sunday was the famous “fall back” day, when we turned back our clocks at bedtime and got an extra hour of sleep. It always sounds so lazy and luxurious, until Monday afternoon when we go home in the dark, right?

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