The first edition of the publication was emailed to all UNM undergraduates on Thursday. ASUNM Vice President Jenna Hagengruber said she hopes students find it eye-catching and informative.
“It’s about us being in touch with the people we’re serving,” Hagengruber said. “Technology is huge nowadays, and we’re able to utilize it in a way that is beneficial to us and to the students, hopefully, and bridge that gap in communication. It really puts a face on what is happening, and it also allows the students to ... interact with ASUNM online.”
Hagengruber recently said that interaction with students remains a priority this semester. She called the e-magazine a stepping stone, a way for members to familiarize themselves with students and vice versa.
She said ASUNM must build on that relationship by going out and letting students know more about the governing body, as well as how they can help with whatever the student body may need.
“It’s all on us now to go and actually show them how they can utilize us as a resource,” she said.
The first edition of the e-magazine features a variety of content, including a schedule of ASUNM senate and committee meetings, which are open for students to attend, as well as information on UNM Day during the legislative session in Santa Fe.
Also in the e-magazine is an article suggesting ways students can be more involved at UNM, and some places they can make their opinions known to school governing bodies like ASUNM and UNM’s Graduate and Professional Student Association.
Interactivity is an integral part of the e-magazine. Students can follow links that take them to various ASUNM agencies such as the Arts and Crafts Studio and Student Special Events, as well as browse through various pictures of ASUNM on campus to see what they are involved in.
A message from ASUNM President Rachel Williams opens the magazine, in which she encourages students to “reimagine the value of (their) education,” allowing the first issue to be their guide.
ASUNM Communications Director David Ishmael said the electronic publication was an initiative that he pitched to Williams early in her term. They spent the fall semester planning and determining what would be the best mode of distribution.
“We liked the idea of a fresh start in a new semester,” Ishmael said. “Especially as ASUNM is launching our new outreach campaign, which I hope will continue into the next administration.”
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Ishmael said that the first edition of the magazine was primarily his work. However, he said content for future publications will be a shared responsibility of everyone in ASUNM.
“It was important for me to do the inaugural version by myself so I could assess the workload, and the value of the product,” Ishmael said. “Now that I and the senate have an idea as to how this all works, it will be at the senate’s discretion as to how they would like to go forward with maintaining this venture.”
Ishmael said it is his hope that ASUNM eventually releases monthly publications, and then biweekly editions of the e-magazine. He said it is important to him that continued publication beyond his time in ASUNM is ensured.
To accomplish that, Ishmael said he is in the process of integrating the e-magazine into the duties of future communications directors and their deputies.
“It is important to know that this magazine is an ASUNM publication and will serve as a way for students to know what is going on with their student government,” he said.
David Lynch is a staff reporter at The Daily Lobo. He can be contacted at or on Twitter @RealDavidLynch.