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Dr. Peg’s Prescription

Be kind to the UNM community. Don’t share your cold by forgetting not to take the proper precautions.

Cold season is here in more ways than one: cold weather and cold germs. One leads to the other. When it gets cold, we huddle behind closed doors and windows, staying warm and breathing each other’s air. When breathing turns to coughing, illness spreads.

Colds are caused by viruses, which are teeny tiny particles that get into your body through your mouth or nose. They settle in your sinuses and lungs where they multiply, divide and conquer, causing all the familiar symptoms and making you look and feel like that guy on the commercial.

Nobody dies from a cold, but nobody wants one either. Especially during finals time, you can do without all that dripping, hacking, and sneezing, am I right? There are some things you can do to increase your chances of staying healthy.

First things first: basic body maintenance. Really try to get enough sleep. Eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water.

Exercise regularly. Your body’s immune system needs the basics in order to function at max capacity.

Next, do what you can to avoid germs. Stay out of crowded, close spaces if you can. Planes, trains and automobiles are all wonderful incubators. If you know someone who is sick, don’t touch them or anything they have touched. Wash your hands a lot, especially before eating. Carry hand sanitizer with you and use it often.

The most common way to get sick is by unconsciously picking up germs by touching something, then dragging the germs from your hands to your nose or mouth, so keep your hands away from your face as a rule. If your nasal tract is dry, it is a little damaged, which makes it easier for viruses to penetrate. You can use saline nasal spray and/or a humidifier in your bedroom to help keep your mucous membranes moist.

If, in spite of your best efforts, a cold does catch you, there are some things you can do that might nip it in the bud. Zinc lozenges and Echinacea both have good track records for shortening a cold, and nothing beats a day on the couch with chicken soup.

If the cold takes hold, get some rest, drink lots of liquids and dose yourself with plenty of patience. Colds often last from a week to 10 days, so give your body a chance to do its thing. Take over-the-counter medication for your symptoms if you want. We have plenty of those in SHAC pharmacy. If you have a bad sore throat, or if you think you have more than “just a cold,” come see a provider at SHAC.

Finally, do your friends a favor and try not to spread your germs when you’re sick. I know, you’re making a lot of mucous, and it is hard not to cough. But think about what you have and what you’re doing. Your mucous is full of virus particles.

If you wipe your hand across your nose and then go open a door or handle money, you are spreading germs to anyone who touches what you touched. If you cough near someone or onto a shared surface, same thing. So blow your nose into a tissue, throw it away, and then wash or sanitize your hands. If you cough, cough like Dracula into your crooked elbow, to minimize the spray and spread of viruses.

Colds are like other opportunists: They’ll get you when your defenses are down. Stress lowers all defenses, so treat yourself well, now more than ever.

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_Dr. Peggy Spencer is a student health physician. She is also the co-author of “50 ways to leave your 40s.” Email your questions directly to her at All questions will be considered anonymous, and all questioners will remain anonymous.
This column has general health information and cannot replace a trip to a health provider._

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