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DWI prevention part of orientation

As program manager of UNM’s Campus Office of Substance Abuse Prevention (COSAP), I’d like to say a few words in response to Daily Lobo Columnist Will Desmare’s “DWI prevention a shared obligation,” in Monday’s issue.

Before I do, let me say that anything that prompts discussion among members of the UNM community regarding this serious problem is by definition positive, so I thank Mr. Desmare for writing on a topic of grave interest to all New Mexicans.

In Monday’s column he provides a balanced look at UNM’s efforts at preventing DWI, and cites some gaps in the institution’s approach; it’s the gaps I would like address.

The author mentions a lack of alcohol awareness information or training noted by his classmates during their experiences at UNM’s New Student Orientation (NSO) program.

I can only respond to this by guessing that it depends on who you ask, and to what degree the students asked were paying attention during orientation.

COSAP has worked with staff and students who conduct this progressive and energetic orientation program for years. The content is annually updated and includes:

1) An introduction to the norms of alcohol use, some information on marijuana and UNM’s policies in a game-show format called “The Paw-rice Is Right.” Student participation during the show always raises the roof of the Kiva.

2) A skit called “What Happened Last Night” that dramatically shows how students can be victimized in a date-rape situation that involves alcohol.

3) A discussion led by the NSO leaders after the Kiva session in which alcohol use, norms, safety and potential consequences of risky use are covered.

4) A new addition to NSO this year includes a web-based brief exploration of safe alcohol use via the Electronic Check Up to Go (e-CHUG) that provides a wealth of information on alcohol, including local safe-ride programs.

Now I realize that the alcohol and drug prevention pieces of NSO aren’t always what students are looking forward to the most, but you’d almost have to be trying to not remember at least some of that.

In fact, in my casual conversations with students at UNM or at presentations for groups that I and/or my staff do, we hear a lot of students say “yeah, I remember that from orientation.” We would have been happy to add to what Mr. Desmare learned from his classmates had he contacted us.

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Mr. Desmare also mentions the NMSU program funded by student government that provides a free safe-ride service for students too intoxicated to drive home from a party or bar.

Several years ago, COSAP conducted a “Designated Drivers Do it For Their Friends” program by which rewards such as movie tickets and even free trips to Las Vegas (Nevada) were given away to students who served as DDs.

In fact, this COSAP program earned the Triple-A New Mexico award for college drinking & driving prevention, but was terminated when the state grant that funded the program expired.

In COSAP’s last attempt to revive the program we appealed to UNM student government, which rejected our application.

We urge students who feel similarly to Mr. Desmare to support COSAP this spring when we again try to gain support from the ASUNM/GPSA Student Fee Review Board to serve UNM students with this kind of program.

COSAP and other departments on campus try very hard to provide programs that work to promote the health and well-being of our students. In the future, I hope Mr. Desmare drops by our office to talk about this topic or any other involving alcohol and other drugs to prepare for his columns.

In the same way, our door is open at any time for any student who has a question, an idea, or needs some help sorting out an alcohol or drug issue. Our promise to students is this: No lectures. No hype. Just the facts.

To end, let me say that Mr. Desmare is right on target when he says that the UNM administration should be at the “forefront” of prevention, but shouldn’t be alone.

Alcohol problems like DWI are community problems, and students should also play an active role in prevention by “watch(ing) over their classmates and friends while drinking and try to prevent them from drinking and driving.” Good advice, Mr. Desmare, we couldn’t have said it better ourselves.

John Steiner is the Program Manager of COSAP.

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