This year’s steampunk-themed Bubonicon 43 is one of the Southwest’s oldest multi-genre science fiction conventions, dating back to the Summer of Love — 1969.
Co-chair Kristen Dorland said that in 1972 the name changed from NewMexiCon to Bubonicon as a response to New Mexico’s bubonic plague outbreak.
“Egypt had imposed a ban on travelers from New Mexico because of the bubonic plague,” she said. “Not anywhere else: just New Mexico.”
This year’s festival has some novel talks, such as “Geographies of Mars,” which examines 19th-century Mars science and how astronomers used geographical theories and methods at the time to make sense of the red planet’s landscape; a workshop called Inventing A Language; panel discussions called “Re-Inventing Yourself: The Use of Pseudonyms,” “Zombies, Angels & Werewolves, Oh My: Future Trends,” “Steampunk Definitions: More Than Victorian Clothing,” and “Dig On This Again: Alien Archaeology.”
She said the convention attracts about 45 local authors each year, as well as authors and guests from out of town.
“We are what’s called a literary convention,” Dorland said. “We deal mostly with written topics, comic books, books, articles, things like that.”
The guest of honor is Stephen Leigh/S.L. Farrell, a science fiction and fantasy writer, artist and musician. The toastmaster is Suicide Kings author Ian Tregillis, and John Picacio will be the guest artist.
People must sign up for a $45 membership for the weekend in order to attend the talks, or they can pay for one day, which gets them into the art show and the Dealer’s Room Flea Market.
Caci Gallop, who runs the dealer’s room, said this year Bubonicon has a table called Custom Cranium, which has morbid baby dolls.
“They’re like your normal teddy bears with real animal skulls,” Gallop said. “They’re extremely interesting, but they’re definitely a little far out there.”
Saturday night is the costume contest, which will attract many steampunk-themed outfits, of course.
“The actual definition is it’s an alternate history, and it’s based on the idea that technology evolved from steam power, not electricity,” Dorland said. “Because steam was so heavily developed during the Victorian era, there’s the idea that has kept going that the Victorian dress remained en vogue.”
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Dorland said that in the past people have dressed to the themes of space pirates, zombies and superheroes.
“The costume contest is usually very extravagant, and this year will be no different,” Gallop said. “It’s going to be a lot of fun and it’s a great way to meet local authors and have a great time.”
Bubonicon 43
Sheraton Albq Airport Hotel
2910 Yale Blvd. S.E.
$45 for the weekend
Single days are $15-$25-$15
Youths 14-17 $23 for the weekend
Under 14 free
For more info, visit