Rumors of dozens of Minor in Possession charges handed out at Lobo Village swirled across the apartment complex last week, but UNM Police Department said no MIPs were given.
UNMPD Operations Commander Christine Chester said UNMPD had responded to six calls at Lobo Village since Aug. 13.
“The final [call] was a loud party call that involved minors in possession, but no citations were issued or arrests made,” she said.
Two security guards at Lobo Village said they don’t have the authority to issue MIPs.
“If we see anyone drinking outside, it’s public intoxication, so we can take them inside or take the drinks away,” said Justin Rider of JLS Security.
Rider said if a situation gets out of hand they can call for police backup, but they were instructed to call UNMPD rather than the Albuquerque Police Department.
A spokesman for APD said UNMPD declined an APD offer to help patrol the area.
Lobo Village resident Robbie Medeiros said he saw police in the apartment complex Friday night.
“We saw, like, a posse walking around of cops and RAs,” he said.
Two of the six UNMPD calls to Lobo Village were traffic accidents and one regarded stolen money. Another call was a domestic violence situation in which an arrest was made, Chester said.
Chester said UNMPD has also responded to on-campus calls since the dorms opened.
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