Every four minutes a person is diagnosed with blood cancer, and every 10 minutes someone dies from a form of blood cancer, according to Lobos against Leukemia’s website.
With that in mind, the on-campus support group has its first information and planning meeting today at 5:30 p.m. in the SUB’s Cherry/Silver room.
Laura Guerrero, president of LAL, said the goal is to educate and promote health at UNM.
“We want to make connections with people that have a connection with the cause, show people that they can do something,” she said. “Maybe you can’t change your mother’s diagnosis. Maybe you can’t do the treatment for your child, but you can get involved with LLS, and that’s something.”
The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) said 9.5 percent of people stricken by blood cancers will die in 2010.
Lobos against Leukemia, an extension of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, raises research funds to combat that statistic.
Karl Benedict, the club’s faculty adviser, said he and his wife raised about $10,000 to aid blood cancer research and patient care.
Benedict, who has been involved with LLS since 2008, said having this a club at UNM helps the LLS have a targeted impact on students, faculty and staff.
“It seems appropriate that we have a group on campus where we can come together within the UNM community in support of the important work of the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society,” he said.
Emira Ibrahimpasic, vice president of LAL, said the organization encourages students to pay close attention to their own health.
“If you have never been a runner, you can be a runner,” Ibrahimpasic said. “The goal is to charge up students and show students what they can do fight cancer.”
*Cheba Hut will donate 12.5 percent of Thursday’s purchases made from 4-9 p.m. to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. *