Zachariah Southard
Electronic arts
Daily Lobo: How long have you been a UNM student?
ZS: Since, uh, wow, 1998. I left for two years to work in Silicon Valley, during the dot-com era, and I returned in 2002.
DL: And you're from?
ZS: I was born in Santa Fe.
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DL: So, why are you supporting Ron Paul?
ZS: The reason why I support Ron Paul is because he's the only politician out there who's honest. The only other politician I had any support for recently dropped out, last Friday, was Dennis Kucinich. I was actually campaigning for Kucinich a little bit on the democratic side.
DL: Why Kucinich?
ZS: Because my main issue is war, and I agree with 70 percent of Americans. And my brother was just shipped out yesterday to Guantanamo Bay, so it's a little bit of a personal issue, as well. Right now, Ron Paul is the only anti-war candidate that would remove the troops immediately. If you go out and look at Hillary's little blurb - "Oh, bring U.S. troops home" - but she hasn't even promised to bring those troops home, and neither has Edwards and neither has Obama, so I can't support a Democrat.
DL: What besides his stance on the war do you admire about Paul?
ZS: Well, other issues I agree with Ron Paul on are obeying the constitution, returning to the gold standard, helping the economy. I don't know if you guys know, but the Canadian dollar is now worth more than the American dollar. Our economy is in the dumps.
DL And how do you think Paul would help?
ZS: He's really the only candidate that has released a plan to save the economy. If you look on his Web site, he's published it. And he's also fairly - I don't want to say the wrong word - but he would be the only candidate that would really save Social Security. So, in a way he's almost liberal, because he would pull the money out of the war and put it into our economy. So, the people here who have become dependent on the system would be supported under Ron Paul.
~Rachel Hill