Josh Padilla
DL: Do you like hip-hop?
JP: I do.
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DL: Who are your favorite artists?
JP: Aesop Rock, Atmosphere, mostly underground stuff.
DL: Do you think underground artists have an unjustified bad reputation?
JP: Yeah. I think the past has most to do with it. I mean, they used to just talk about guns and killing people. Guns and drugs and stuff.
DL: Why do you like Aesop Rock?
JP: It's more than (violence and drugs) really. It is more intellectual. It is not all about that. It is more about human behavior, like everyday life, going to school for instance or looking out your window and seeing what you see.
DL: If you were Aesop Rock, what would you sing about?
JP: I don't know. Probably what is going on in my life right now like partying and friends and everyday life. But I'm not much of a poet, though, so I couldn't really do anything about it.
DL: Do you think you have to be a poet to express yourself
like that?
JP: For the most part. You can express yourself, but I wouldn't be a rapper if I wasn't a poet.
DL: How many finals do you have?
JP: Five.
DL: Are they for business?
JP: They are all pretty much core-curriculum classes.
DL: Why do you want to be a businessman?
JP: I figure it is a pretty wide field, and I don't know exactly what I want to be, but I figure that business is a pretty wide field.
DL: Do you have plans for Christmas?
JP: Probably just hang out here in Albuquerque with my family.
DL: Do you snowboard?
JP: I've been snowboarding, but I don't really snowboard. I wasn't really good the first time, but I'm willing to try again. I was pretty sore, but no broken bones. That is not on the agenda at all.
DL: Where did you go?
JP: I went to Durango my first time. I had a really fun time.
DL: Did you take any classes?
JP: I took the half-day classes the first time.
DL: Did they help?
JP: Not really. Learning not to fall - you've pretty much got to learn on your own. Learning to put the right weight distribution on what foot is something that you pretty much have to learn on your own.
~Xochitl Campos