Elly Miksch
Daily Lobo: How long have you been a Red Sox fan?
Elly Miksch: Since I was little - like little, little.
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DL: Are you from Boston?
EM: No. But my aunt is, and she has season tickets. That is how I started to like them, because every time we'd go (to Boston), we'd go to a game.
DL: Who is your favorite player?
EM: David Ortiz. I just think that he's someone you can really look up to. He's not from here, and he's made it so big here. I just think that he is a really good person you could look up to. He seems to be really nice.
DL: Why can you look up to him?
EM: Because he's so good, and he's come from such a horrible background. He's not from America. He came over here and has made it so big.
DL: How has your support for the team changed since they won the World Series in 2004?
EM: It's a lot more confident now. It makes me want to support them even more, like, knowing that they already have won, and they could win again, and they did. I didn't like them any less just because they weren't winning, but because they did win, it made me like them even more.
DL: How do you feel about them sweeping the series?
EM: It's fabulous that the Red Sox swept the Rockies. It just goes to show you can't not do anything for eight days and then expect to win the World Series.
DL: What do you anticipate happening next season?
EM: It'd be nice if they won the World Series again, but it'd be hard. They might be losing Curt Schilling. They didn't sign his contract again for this year. So, he's a free agent. So, he might or might not sign for the Red Sox again. We might be losing a big part of the team. But I think they'll do pretty good.
DL: Have you ever tried to get your friends to be Red Sox fans?
EM: More so boys than girls. A lot of my girl friends don't know the first thing about baseball. I just think it's your own personal preference. The Red Sox are one of those teams where you either love them or you hate them.
~ Xotchitl Campos