Caitlin Codini
University studies
Daily Lobo: What is the last Pauly Shore movie you saw?
Caitlin Codini: Oh, "Son in Law," probably, a while back.
DL: What's your favorite Pauly Shore movie?
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CC: I don't have one.
DL: Why not?
CC: Too much investment for Pauly Shore to have a favorite.
DL: What about "In the Army Now"?
CC: I have seen that. It's actually a pretty good movie. I would say that one. That one's my favorite.
DL: Have you seen "Pauly Shore is Dead"?
CC: I've heard about it. Not very much about it, though.
DL: Do you wish that the title was true?
CC: No, no. He's a funny guy. He was good in the '80s, early '90s.
DL: Why are you majoring in university studies?
CC: Because I don't really know what I want to do with my life. I can't invest that much time into something I don't want to do. So, I'm going to do that and go back to grad school later.
DL: Do you have any ideas about what you might want to do?
CC: Public service of some sort. I just wanted a worldly education to do good in life - help people - but I don't know what field.
DL: What are some problems or things you'd like to change?
CC: Environment protection. Child care. It's really important to get kids when they're young before they get corrupted by the world. I don't know, just the lack of community in our society now.
DL: Did you watch the Democratic debate Thursday?
CC: I did not catch it. I have it TiVoed, but I haven't watched it yet. I caught highlights.
DL: How do you think Gov. Bill Richardson did?
CC: I think he did OK. He has no chance whatsoever, not in this election with the Republicans that are running. I think he held his own, though.
DL: Do you think punk rock is dead?
CC: Yes.
DL: When did it die?
CC: Back in, I'd say '97.
DL: What happened in '97?
CC: Bands like Good Charlotte started coming out, and the old punk way of youth-power type thing went away and laid way for let's-go-to-the-mall type music, as opposed to like, (expletive) the government.
DL: Do you think Anti-Flag has become let's-go-to-the-mall music?
CC: Yes. Well, Anti-Flag is kind of hard to talk about, because their old stuff is really good, but their new stuff is all right. At least they're talking about current stuff and kind of get the younger generation, like 14-year-olds, to think about things. The music part of it has gone poppy, but the lyrics are still good. I think they still hold true and hopefully get out that information to the little ones.
DL: Do you think musicians dying in their prime is a lost art that needs to be brought back?
CC: I think it helps. I think it can help at the time. I mean, like, when Kurt Cobain died, that was enormous. It changed all of the face of music and Hollywood and all of that. So, I don't think it's an art, though. I don't think it's an art we should get back. I think that it definitely helps that person's views to get more widespread, which should be the whole goal of music.
DL: What was the last concert you went to?
CC: I went up to the Warped Tour in Seattle last year.
DL: How was it?
CC: It was fantastic. It was the most beautiful venue I've ever seen in my life. I got to see NOFX. That was nice.
DL: What do you like about UNM's campus?
CC: I like the sidewalk chalk. I like reading what people have to say. I like the atmosphere of it, I guess. It's real community-oriented, lots of students groups doing lots of things always.
DL: What's the most interesting thing you've seen written on the sidewalk?
CC: It was just a couple weeks ago - "I love Kelly" everywhere. I was assuming it was on her little path where she walks to class, and it was just "I love you Kelly" everywhere. It was cute. I thought it was nice.
DL: Would you like someone to do that for you?
CC: Yeah, sure. My husband could, but he doesn't go here. So, it'd make it a little harder for him.
DL: How long have you been married?
CC: Almost two years.
DL: How do you like the married life?
CC: I love it. It's good stuff. It's just nice not to have to worry about the dating game ever, ever again.
~Jeremy Hunt