Juan Carlos Holmes
Political science
Do you commute?
What do you do during the drive?
Mostly, I drive. That's about all you should do. I have the music on and turn the phone off so no one can bug me.
What type of music?
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On the way in, usually NPR. On the way out, usually a CD, either Bob Seger or something
Do you have any snow-sport plans for break?
I can't even ride a bike, much less stay up on that. I tried, and it was a disaster. I am a native. I stay home.
Where did you go to high school?
I hate answering that question. La Cueva.
Why do you hate answering that?
Because I did dislike La Cueva strongly. It's four years of my life I can't get back. It's amazing - kids above the middle class miss anything this side of Menaul - that they were that sheltered.
What's your major?
Political science. I already have a not-bad career for a college student. I am a speech writer. I work with a lot of the nonprofit organizations.
What do you do?
I am the co-chair of the College Democrats.
What did you think about the elections?
It turned out better than I expected. It exceeded our expectation. We expected to win the House by five seats. I was a little disappointed we didn't win section 1 N.M. We would be crazy not to ask for a recount with the margin.
- Joshua Curtis