Rebecca Browne
"I don't have a problem with it. I know it bothers a lot of people, and I know there are a lot of allergies, and we have a lot of problems with allergies in New Mexico anyway."
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Adrienne Morrison
"I don't smoke, but my father smokes. I think that it should be outside like it has been. Maybe they should have an area because it bothers people, but for me, it doesn't bother me."
Jodi Melton
Art history
"I think that it should not be smoke-free. It's a public university and nobody smokes inside, so as long you're outside and you're considerate of others when you're smoking."
Levi Yates
UNM staff
"I think it's crazy to make UNM a totally smoke-free campus. I mean, the outdoors are for everybody. Indoors, I say no."
Don Menning
University student
"I see the point of people being irritated, but I think it's gone to almost fascism trying to make people do things. It's like dictating what kind of clothes you wear. It's wrong. We're supposed to be about freedom."
Marisol Portomarin
"I think it should be smoke-free all over the place. I am definitely against smoking. I am allergic to smoke, and it really bothers me. When I am with people that smoke around me, it makes me feel sick, and I really feel the air should be clean. We all have the right to a clean atmosphere."