Cyrena Hur, Senior, Public Relations
"I still think it's a good idea that we're there. I voted for Bush, and I would do it over again if I had to."
Katryn Fraher, Sophomore, Sociology
"Same thing I've always thought - it's bad news. We shouldn't be there. We have our own problems here in America, and there's no reason that we should be in Iraq. We're only there for oil."
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Sean DeBuck, Freshman, Undecided
"I've always been against the war. I've always felt that we were wrong to be there in the first place. I felt they had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks, and I just feel that George Bush made a mistake. We could be using all this money and time for something else."
Kathryn Ryan, Grad student, Biology
"Well I didn't think positively of it before. We just shouldn't have been there to begin with. It's its own country that has its own issues. If they don't like their leader they can deal with it. I don't think it's our place to be there, especially on contrived information."
Jennifer Richter, Grad student, America Studies
"Honestly, it doesn't change anything for me. I don't think we went in there for the right reasons to begin with. I don't think the death toll is significant enough to change policy right now."
Robert Scott, Sophomore, Biochemistry
"If you're going to have a war, you've got to expect people to die. So when the media gets all 'Oh my God! More Americans have died,' you know, what the hell did you think was going to happen? I mean what's the Iraqi death toll? How many millions of them have we just slaughtered?"