Jeanette Salazar on how her UNM experience has felt over the years.
Daily Lobo: Was UNM your first choice for college?
Jeanette Salazar: No. I went to TVI first, and when my husband got stationed here in the Navy, I transferred to UNM.
DL: What is it you are looking forward to most about graduating?
JS: Stability. I am really looking forward to having a steady job and getting a steady income. I am also very nervous about graduating because getting a real job can be a little intimidating.
DL: If you are planning on continuing your education, where are you planning to go and into what field? What degree?
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JS: In a couple of years I want to apply for a master's degree program. I want to get my master's from a different college. I would like to get an MBA in global business since the business market is very global and it helps being bilingual.
DL: What has been the hardest part of your college experience, something you would never want to do again?
JS: At the University, it would have to be the arts and sciences advisers. They were difficult to deal with, and I am looking forward to not having to deal with them anymore. In my personal life, the hardest part of going to college is balancing my family and school. I had a son while going to school, and it becomes chaotic at times. It's definitely a balancing act.
Stats! I don't ever want to take another statistics class again. I hated that class.
DL: What has been the best college experience you have had?
JS: Internships. My internships were the most educational experience I had while in college.
DL: Do you find these past few years you have spent in college have sufficiently prepared you for the career you are planning to pursue?
JS: No. Classroom experience does not fully prepare you. I have learned from some of my internships that what happens in a real work environment is a lot different than the way it is explained in a textbook or through a classroom exercise.
DL: Do you have any regrets about your college experience here at UNM?
JS: Not really any regrets, but I wish that I had known about a lot of the programs they offered earlier like financial aid and tutoring.
DL: If a movie/documentary were made about your college experiences what would it be titled?
JS: Fast Times at UNM
-Daniel Vaquera