Food prices in several of the SUB's eateries have risen slightly since the building's opening, causing frustration among University officials and students.
The restaurants seeing the price inflations are limited to those managed by Aramark, UNM's food distributor that controls the prices of food.
The national restaurants that have chains at UNM, including Sonic, Chick-fil-A and Zia Juice, are regulated by their national headquarters, said Walt Miller, the SUB's director.
"The contract we have with them doesn't allow their prices to change from what the national managers say," Miller said. "So whatever price variations occur on campus, they are not affected."
He said the prices at campus eateries increased from the days of the temporary tent outside Zimmerman Library.
They have also slightly increased since the opening of the SUB, but "we do our best to ensure that the prices are lower than campus-area restaurants," Miller said.
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He could not provide specific amounts of the increase or when they occurred.
Representatives from Aramark did not immediately return several telephone calls.
Many officials, as well as students, see any increase in food prices, no matter how small, as Aramark taking advantage of the situation now that the SUB has a loyal group of clients.
"Honestly, I don't approve of any price raises," said Rosalyn Nguyen, president of the SUB Board, an oversight committee of the building and its services. "Our responsibility is to look for the best value for the University community. The last thing any of us can do is pay higher prices for food."
Nguyen, who was recently named to the SUB retail committee, which will have a say in the prices of food at UNM, said she plans on addressing the issue with Aramark officials soon.
"Just because the SUB is full everyday doesn't mean price increases are justified," she said.