A man named Theodore Hesburgh once said, “The very essence of leadership is that you have to have a vision.”
We feel this could not be truer. On April 16, you will elect a president, vice president and 10 senators to your undergraduate student government (ASUNM). The Vision slate wants you to see what we see: a better UNM.
Our goals come straight from one on one interaction with the students of this campus. Upon visiting with various student organizations and students from all walks of life on campus, here are the goals of the Vision slate.
Vision’s first goal is to light up Johnson Field. Since Redondo Village Apartments have been built, Johnson Field has begun to receive heavy traffic from students both day and night. As a safety precaution, we feel something needs to be done. This is an issue that has been brought up frequently in the past and is something that greatly affects the students. We have received a great response from the students regarding this goal.
Vision’s second goal is to create some sort of system in which students can rate their professors. With four LOBOrientation leaders who actually worked this past summer on our slate, we have come to realize that this is a need for incoming freshmen as well as upperclassmen when it comes to course selection each semester. Essentially, this rating system will tell you how students who took a certain professor before rated him or her.
This would also ensure that you will be taking a class with a qualified professor and it would maintain the quality of your education at UNM. We have already met with faculty members on this issue and with enough student support we can achieve our goal.
Vision’s third goal is to bring back some sort of student section at Lobo athletic games. Going to school should be fun, and athletic games bring a sense of community to UNM. Enough said.
Vision’s fourth goal is to increase campus-wide involvement in ASUNM. Many of you reading this letter most likely have no idea what ASUNM is or how to get involved. There are many appointed positions within ASUNM that the majority of students do not even know about. We want to change that, and if elected, we will.
With our fresh faces and new ideas, the Vision slate wants to make the UNM community a better place. Instead of listing our credentials and saying what we have done in the past and what organizations we are involved in, we want to shift the focus to the students of this university and what they want to see done in the future. After all, the students are what are truly important.
Here’s our vision. Do you see it?
Remember Vision at the polls next Wednesday, April 16.
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Tio Vega
Presidential candidate
Kurt Nilson
Vice presidential candidate
Vision slate senator candidates: Chelsea Armstrong, Aimee Corcoran, Jacque Garcia, Veronica Garcia, Matt Hanson, Keith Lopez, David Newland, Tripper Sanchez, Mark Staton and Jared Thompson