The last few days have surely been proud ones for the Bush administration. It has secured victory in its fourth war since Sept. 11, 2001.
Four wars? Yes, four wars that are all part of a master plan. Going backwards, we have the war with Iraq. Though it took a little longer than we would have liked, we got it done. We're in Baghdad and ready to rule, oops, I mean "help," the Iraqis rule.
Next, we have the war against the United Nations. In less than a year, the mighty United States has ostracized and, effectively, destroyed the United Nations, demonstrating to the international community at large that there is a new sheriff in town.
Then there was the war in Afghanistan. Well, nevermind. There was no real television coverage, so I guess it wasn't much of a war.
Finally, the war that kicked it all off, the war that was the most successful and the war that was the most important for the Bushwackers in Washington - the war against American civil liberties.
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With the passage of the Patriot Act and the secretive Patriot Act II, many of the civil liberties America was founded on dissipated. The weapon in this war-fear, fueled intentionally and often by those who are supposed to protect us.
We have been had America, plain and simple.
So while we are celebrating our triumph in Baghdad, let us remember that this is just the beginning. While we are so fervently proclaiming our love of country, let us remember that we do not know what is best for the world. While we are so quick to dismiss peace protesters at home and across the globe, let us remember that it is they, not the AmBUSHERS in Washington, that have our best interests in mind.
The neo-conservative war hawks in Washington have been planning these wars for a long time, long before those planes were flown into the WTC and Pentagon. Don't believe me? Go to the Project for a New American Century Website at www.pnac.org and see for yourself. The PNAC's vision is one of American global domination, starting in the Middle East. Some founding members include Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, Paul Wolfowitz, Jeb Bush and Dan Quayle.
I encourage you to browse this Web site and see for yourself what this war in Iraq is really about. Don't be foolish, don't be blind, inform yourself and wake up.
Joel Harvey
UNM student