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LETTER: Protesting will not save our freedoms


On Wednesday, March 5, I was personally disgusted by the way my fellow Americans acted.

This is my response: For weeks now, I have noticed the "No War on Iraq" campaign put on by the people who don't understand what this conflict is truly about. This is not a war on Iraq, oil or even Saddam himself. This is a war to defend our rights, liberties and freedoms.

On Sept. 11, 2000, our freedom was questioned by a group of cowards whose lives were so miserable they were made to believe that the United States was their enemy, because we were, and will always be, a free people. I ask to those who protest this conflict, "Where were you on that dreadful day?"

Our president has the responsibility, since taking his oath, to uphold the constitution and all that it stands for. President Bush must beware of our enemies and those who seek to destroy our freedom, as we know it. With this being said, Iraq is a known enemy of the United States and has continually disregarded warnings to destroy weapons of mass destruction. These weapons will not only challenge our freedoms, but also threaten the lives of many civilians like you and me.

Saddam Hussein, threatens the lives of his people everyday and if not stopped will soon question your lives and your freedom. Hussein runs a country where innocent people are oppressed and brutally murdered in the streets everyday. The people of Iraq aren't happy with their leader they are scared we must help those people, and with a twisted mind such as Hussein's in control, there can be no peace talks. We have given Hussein approximately 10 years of peace talks and a chance to disarm. . .time's up.

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If we leave Hussein alone the consequences will be catastrophic. Think of a society where your children must get an anthrax vaccine, along with many other vaccines, just to stay alive. A society where your house must be sealed with plastic bags and duct tape, a place where we live in fear of a person we knew had the ability to destroy us.

At last I give this plea to my fellow Americans. We as a nation must not cower in the face of evil but stare it down and stand proudly behind our values. Two hundred and twenty-seven years ago a group of men, intelligent beyond their years, came up with the brash idea of freedom. Now, today, we stand with the threat of losing all of that. Next time you go out to protest (and do if you wish . . . it's your right) remember that you are protesting against solving a conflict which gives you the very right to protest.

Books not bombs is a clever catch phrase. Unfortunately, it will not save our freedom. Stand tall, stand proud and, most importantly, stand behind the very nation whom others look up to and whose people are and will always be free.

Ricky Herrera

UNM student

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