The Daily Lobo recently pub-lished
letters outlining the connec-tion
between Marxist movements
and the anti-war movement.
Their letters only scratched the
surface of the threat to our rights
and liberties these pseudo-Marxist
anti-freedom groups represent. I
don’t know if our protesting broth-ers
and sisters realize how danger-ous
their ideologies are and how
destructive to our way of life their
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actions are becoming.
But Marx isn’t the only threat
looming in the background of the
anti-war movement — he exists
only on the fringe. There are a cou-ple
of other thinkers in the main-stream
whose messages are far
more destructive to the security of
our American freedoms.
One of these subversives is a
man who his followers call Jesus
Christ advocates many anti-American
thoughts such as a policy
of “turning the other cheek” in the
face of violence, and advocates
such communist notions such as
“the meek shall inherit the Earth.”
What kind of pro-labor anti-American
crap is this? In his so-called
“Holy Bible,” Matthew
7:12, Jesus says: “All things what-soever
ye would that men should
do to you, do ye even so to them:
for this is the law of the prophets.”
This Jesus character doesn’t even
speak American right. The chilling
thing here is that a majority of
Americans and one-third of the
entire world population, about 2
billion people, follow the ridicu-lous
ideas of this raving left-wing
And there are still more leaders
whose ideas are destructive to
American liberties. One is a man
named Mohammed. His dangerous
anti-American notions, while not
popular here in the United States,
are very popular abroad. In fact, 1.3
billion people worldwide listen to
this man’s madness like: “No one
of you is a believer until he desires
for his brother that which he desires
for himself.” Sounds pretty social-ist
to me.
But the list doesn’t stop there. A
group of 900 million people who
call themselves the Hindus carry
around anti-American propaganda
in their holy books, too. Their
Mahabharata states: “Do naught to
others which if done to thee would
cause you pain.” Well I ask their
Krishna this: How are we supposed
to get our oil for cheap without vio-lence?
Even Jews have anti-American
propaganda in some of
their holy writings. The Talmud
states, “What is hateful to you, do
not to your fellow men. That is the
entire Law, all the rest is commen-tary.”
Well, where were the Jews on
Sept. 11? Obviously, this is a group
of people who have no idea what a
tragedy or a crime against humani-ty
Finally, a group of 360 million
people following some lefty named
Buddha espouses such ridiculous-ness
as “Hurt not others with that
which pains yourself,” from the
Udana-Varga. Obviously this
Buddha character hasn’t thought
through the economic benefits of
taking over Iraq to further our oil
Fellow Americans, I hope you
find the above as disturbing as you
ought to. These so-called religious
leaders threaten American interests
on every front and their numbers
are overwhelming. Only with our
trademarked American persever-ance
and weapons of mass destruc-tion
can we possibly intimidate all
these subversives into seeing things
our way. Let’s roll!
Dustin Habermann is a culture
writer/columnist for the Daily
Lobo and is a member of the Young
People’s Socialist League.