All ASUNM candidates were asked the following questions:
1. How will you keep UNM students current on academic changes such as new degrees and accreditation issues?
2. What are some major improvements you will strive to make to UNM while senator?
3. What are some of the most pressing issues facing students at UNM?
4. How do you plan to create and maintain an open system of communication for the students you will represent?
5. How will you work with administrators, chairs and department heads to address issues that affect students?
6. Who is the dean of your college/school?
Matthew Burgess
Biology major
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1. It starts with advising, but also by contacting appropriate student organizations, motivating students to seek out relevant information, posting fliers and also asking professors to tell their classes about changes.
2. Continue ASUNM President Jennifer Onuska's efforts of educating students about student government's role on campus and to help student get more involved on campus.
3. A lack of recognition for students and making sure students are given a voice. Also, security issues and the facts regarding tuition increases need to be made more clear.
4. Wants to maintain the student voice by passing legislation based on what students want. Wants to maintain an open, willing character to listen to what the students have to say.
5. By getting better involved, heading up student organizations and communicating with other senators, in addition to collecting feedback himself, to better understand everyone's stance on specific issues.
6. Did not know Reed Dasenbrock was dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, but was able to name Kathryn Vogel as the chairwoman of the Biology Department.
Christopher Chavez
Computer Science major
1. By using all the avenues available that will reach as many students as possible, such as e-mail, newsletters and the Daily Lobo.
2. Increase safety on campus in several areas that are sub-par, such as the blue phones that still do not work and lighting on campus
3. More information for students, specifically reasoning behind decisions such as tuition hikes, and revising the Lottery Scholarship, perhaps making it a tiered system based on a student's GPA.
4. It is important to take the initiative to reach out to the students rather than waiting for them to come to you. Making the system more accessible would in turn make it more efficient.
5. By doing whatever it takes to ensure that the lines of communication remain open.
6. Did not know that Joe Cecchi is the dean of the School of Engineering.
Megan Cisneros
Secondary Education major
1. Wants to market ASUNM more efficiently to tell students about academic changes as well as the role of student government on campus. Doesn't want students to feel intimidated by student government process.
2. Wants to increase accountability among students who escort safety walks. Wants to get word out about sexual assaults and make students aware of resources that are available to them, such as the Agora Crisis Center and Students Educating Peers About Sex.
3. Tuition information, education about sexual assault and awareness of the role of student government are all issues affecting students.
4. In addition to office hours, wants to personally speak with students for feedback> May distribute surveys in classrooms and also wants to find a centralized resource off-campus students can use for information.
5. After receiving feedback, speak with appropriate administrators for more information regarding issues. Also, must stay accountable for students' requests.
6. Did not know that Viola Florez is dean of the College of Education.
Amy Cook
Elementary Education major
1. Post bulletins in classrooms, advertise in the Daily Lobo and make sure students are invited to senate meetings where changes in academic issues will be discussed.
2. Sexual assaults and other safety issues. Provide students with more information about the tuition process and help students learn more about ASUNM's role on campus.
3. Campus safety and student involvement on campus.
4. Distribute fliers, post items in the Daily Lobo and personally speak with students to create a "domino effect" of information being passed down among students.
5. First, discover what issues are important; second, speak directly with the proper administrators about the issues.
6. Did not know that Viola Florez is dean of the College of Education.
Justin Crosby
Political Science and Russian Studies major
1. By re-opening the general question/answer sessions for students during the ASUNM meetings, which would not only provide them a chance to have their voices heard, but involve them in the process.
2. Campus safety is an area that needs addressing. Increased lighting, especially in the areas of campus most frequented by students, would not only cut down on the crime rate but would promote a friendly environment, which is needed for more students to participate in on-campus activities.
3. Regardless that UNM is a commuter school, student involvement is especially poor. More students need to involve themselves in all areas of the University for it to grow.
4. By creating a small community where students will feel free to express themselves, as well as open forums and access to my e-mail address where he can be reached any time.
5. Making himself available to the departments to ensure that their opinion on the issues are clear, which will make it easier to collaborate with them and achieve everyone's goals for the future of the University.
6. Correctly identified Reed Dasenbrock as the dean of Arts and Sciences, but did not know that Kenneth Roberts is the chairman of the Political Science department or that Gerald Slavin is the director of UNM's International Studies and Programs.
Jeremy Foreman
Undeclared major (College of Arts and Sciences)
1. Advertise changes in public places around campus such as outside Zimmerman Library.
2. Equalize funding for student groups.
3. Campus security. The campus needs more security - possibly more guards, improved systems of campus escorts and more blue lights.
4. Plans on making his e-mail address available to students and will post his office hours so students can speak with him personally.
5. Make personal contact with department heads and lobby for students' concerns. Communicate to students that he is a liaison between them and administrators.
6. Did not know that Reed Dasenbrock is the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Melanie Giron-Carpenter
Psychology and Sociology major
1. Use technology, such as the ASUNM Web site, to provide a centralized source of information.
2. Wants to improve the senate's work to make students better informed about student government.
3. Improve students' awareness, through work done by committees, of sexual assault on campus and the importance of reporting them.
4. Continue having senators work closely with a specific number of student organizations and use e-mail and phone calls to stay aware of student concerns.
5. Create an open system of communication with administrators to find out how they can help students and vice versa.
6. Did not know that Reed Dasenbrock is the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Cicely Gragg
Marketing and Production Operations Manager major
1. Through increased use of the Daily Lobo to educate students on ASUNM and its ability to help them, as well as a newsletter and open forums to inform students about any developments.
2. Sexual harrasment awareness and information on tuition increases, so that students can have the knowledge to protect themselves and each other and understand where their money is going.
3. As a female, campus safety is a big issue, so promoting awareness about the location and types of crimes that occur here.
4. Continue with current senators' trend of conducting open forums on campus to make themselves available to students, as well as administer surveys and even make personal phone calls to ensure that everyone knows we are out there.
5. Work regularly and closely with them, and make sure to know exactly what they want from us so that we can compromise on the important issues.
6. Correctly identified Howard Smith as dean of the Anderson Schools of Management.
Frank Murray
Political Science major
1. Develop and improve student outreach programs, such as Lobo Orientation, to educate and communicate with students.
2. Wants to improve resident life by increasing student involvement to show them there is more to college than the classroom.
3. Safety on campus, a drug-free environment and reducing underage drinking, which can lead to the destruction of the college experience through violence or possibly being arrested.
4. Wants to provide his name and phone number, in addition to e-mail address, to students.
5. Communicate with appropriate administrators in a meeting or debate setting where a solid agreement can be reached that benefits students, faculty and administrators.
6. Did not know that Reed Dasenbrock is the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, but did know that Neil Mitchell is chairman of the Political Science Department.
Daniel Ruiz
Hotel/Restaurant Management major
1. By increasing the volume and quality of on-campus advertisements and fliers, and making sure that they are distributed throughout every part of UNM.
2. Will strive to improve the amount of information available to students and faculty addressing the issues that affect them.
3. Students are "not adequately informed" in many areas of their education, especially degree planning and advising.
4. By making himself "as available as possible," through e-mail and phone, as well as establishing meetings for students to voice their opinion.
5. By being professional and persistent, allowing departments to see issues from students' point of view and making sure that both sides of any issue are expressed.
6 Did not know that Howard Smith is the dean of Andersen Schools of Management.
Charlene Sevilla
English major
1. More information through the Daily Lobo would be the most efficient way to communicate any changes to students.
2. An increase in ASUNM publications to inform the student population about the program, as well as campus safety, which needs to be addressed to make sure the students are able to focus their energy on their education.
3. Although every department on campus works miracles with the money that they have, an increase in funding would help them provide a more well-rounded education.
4. Getting out there to make sure that the students know her personally and are not afraid to approach her, as well as forums where students and faculty can speak their mind.
5. By being as vocal as possible about the issues facing students, while keeping the lines of communication open, which will greatly improve our chances for success.
6. Correctly identified Reed Dasenbrock as the dean of Arts and Sciences.
Kevin Stevenson
Electrical Engineering major
1. Through an increase in information on campus from open forums and e-mail, as well as more in-depth details on changes in the Daily Lobo.
2. Increasing student awareness on how they can improve their education and improved marketing of ASUNM, which can do great things for this campus. Anything to do to help students get the most out of their time here at UNM.
3. Campus safety, especially in the areas of sexual assault and auto burglary, which are some of the most prevalent crimes on campus. An increase in prevention classes and campus security would be a start to curbing these problems.
4. By getting out there and making himself available "on a regular basis," as well as information sessions mapping ASUNM's progress and promoting communication through the Daily Lobo.
5. By promoting an increase in formal meetings with the administration, and making sure to do whatever can be done to satisfy everyone's needs.
6. Correctly identified Joe Cecchi as the dean of the School of Engineering and that Christos Christodoulou is the chair of the Electrical Engineering Department.
Celestina Torres
Family Studies and Spanish major
1. By making herself available for personal contact, and through e-mail and open informational forums.
2. Trying to erase the apathetic vibe on campus, resulting from a lack of student involvement.
3. Educational advising is definitely a problem. Better degree planning and more information for the students on their choices and reminders of important dates.
4. Through persistent attendance of all events involving students, creating more opportunities for them to voice their suggestions and making sure that their opinions are kept in the highest regard.
5. By pushing for an increase in formal meetings that address these issues, as well as casual meetings that would provide all the parties involved a chance to get to know each other and understand their point of view on the issue.
6. Did not know that Reed Dassenbrock is the dean of Arts and Sciences or that Christine McCormick is the chair of the Department of Individual, Family and Community Education.
Delia Ann Tripp
Criminology and Spanish major
1. Speak with advisers to communicate the importance of keeping students current on academic changes and place advertisements in campus newsletters and in the Daily Lobo.
Also, possibly establish a college fair that would address academic changes.
2. Increased lighting, making parking less restrictive by giving violators two warnings instead of one and improving parking options. Increasing school spirit and helping the journalism program re-establish its accreditation.
3. The loss of the journalism program's accreditation and the improvement of school spirit.
4. Personally speaking with as many students as possible, including student organization representatives, to let them know about open meetings.
5. Communicate with administrators to better understand their situations and determine how students and administrators can help each other.
6. Did not know that Reed Dasenbrock is the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Daniel Trujillo
Biology major
1. Plans to use the Daily Lobo to collect information and then clip articles to form a centralized information source for academic issues affecting students. Then use e-mail to contact students about those changes. Also, possibly put holds on student accounts requiring them to see counselors to learn about changes - especially freshmen.
2. Campus needs more security boxes and blue lights so students can stand at one and be able to see the next. Campus needs more uniformed officers, some police substations on campus and UNMPD needs to better patrol campus parking structures. Also, student government needs to create a construction oversight committee to make sure construction projects affecting students, such as the new SUB, are on track.
3. Campus needs support systems to help students who are stressed out - especially freshmen. More intramural sports to decrease student stress, accreditation issues and retaining students are also important issues.
4. Use e-mail and campus mail, as well as bulletin boards that could be installed on every resident's door, to better communicate. Also, better use resident assistants to provide students with information and to serve as a source for feedback. Speak with off-campus students when they come to classes.
5. Look for common ground between students and administrators to compromise so everyone can get a little of what they want.
6. Did not know that Reed Dasenbrock is the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences.
Amanda Woods
Business major
1. By posting newsletters across campus addressing the issues, especially on bathroom stalls, where everyone eventually ends up.
2. By increasing the quality of security on campus, especially in the parking structure, where many cars are left unattended for long periods of time. Security cameras would also reduce the crime element from campus.
3. Being informed enough about their specific degree programs to graduate on time, and with the education they need to succeed in the field they choose to pursue as a career.
4. Making sure that there is more information on social and educational activities that would interest them, as well as making myself available to get to know the students and any issues they may feel need addressing.
5. By keeping them informed on all the issues and any progress that has been made, while striving to find a middle ground, where everyone can come away from the situation satisfied.
6. Did not know that Howard Smith is the dean of Anderson Schools of Management.