"Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones" opened May 16 to the expected record sales and criticism. Since the release of "Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace," the Star Wars franchise, headed by award-winning director George Lucas, has come under intense scrutiny by both fans and critics.
Rather than blindly defaming the movie along with legions of critics, I decided to take a different approach. I theorized that the criticism had little to do with the movie and instead came from jaded reviewers.
In an interview with George Lucas for Time magazine, Lucas said that he is "making movies for 12-year-olds." I couldn't find any 12-year-olds, but I did find three brothers: Daniel, 10; Andrew, 6; and Anthonini, 5.
To ensure that my recruited reviewers were adequately prepared for the movie, I pressed them for knowledge of the series. We discussed how many functional "eyes" R2-D2 had and C-3PO's funny, non-moving mouth. Daniel was unhappy with the idea of an all-digital Yoda, but kept an open mind.
Both Andrew and Anthonini appeared to be particularly fixated on the "golden guy" or C-3PO. During our screening, I was seated next to Andrew, and between every scene he asked where the "golden robot" was. C-3PO would not be golden for the entirety of the film. Anthonini said he thought it was funny when "the robot fell down."
Though I worried these factors would cloud their objective judgment of the film, I felt confident they would give their honest opinions.
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I immediately began my interview with the kids as we left the theater (after the necessary rest room break.) If you do not want to have the movie spoiled I would advise that you skip this next section. Kids can be specific.
Favorite Scenes and Characters
All: When Yoda was fighting.
Andrew: I like the part when that little robot (R2-D2) put (C-3P0's) head together.
Daniel: I liked the part where Yoda started fighting. He's cool. He gets hyper and then he gets back with the cane. I liked the part when they showed making the clones and the fighting. But I most liked when Obi-Wan Kanobi and Mace Windu are fighting back-to-back.
Anthonini: I like the green guy (Yoda). He's funny.
Daniel: I liked when Senator Amidala was um... jumping through the smashing things.
Anthonini: (mildly terrified) What smashing things?
Hated Characters and Scenes
All: Count Dooku
Andrew: Jenga Fett.
Anthonini: I didn't like when they were.... I don't know. I liked ALL the parts.
Me: What did you guys think about the romance part?
All: Romance?
Special Effects and Jar Jar
Me: Did you guys think the movie was visually pleasing? Did you think things looked real? (I tried to bring up the digital camera issue but it didn't seem to matter to the kids.) What did you guys think about digital Yoda?
Daniel: It makes it better because you can do more stuff, he can move around faster but, still, it doesn't look the same.
Me: Do you think he looks real?
Daniel: Sorta fake, you can sorta see it. But it looks pretty good.
Anthonini: Yoda's real.
(I realized that if I make Anthonini question the existence of Yoda, the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus would come crashing down after that. I quickly abandoned that line.)
Me: How about Jar Jar? There was less Jar Jar in this movie. Did you guys miss him?
Daniel: They could've done more with him.
Me: Would you guys recommend this movie to a friend?
All: Yeah.
Me: Would you guys like to see it again?
All: Yeah!!! (I realized they thought I was taking them to watch it again. I mentally checked my schedule and found a slot next week. This is the danger of creative journalism.)