I joined a march on Saturday to protest against the war. I hold no anti-capitalist/anti-corporate opinions and found that side of the protests irrelevant.
Although I understand that the two issues are closely linked, I still felt no guilt walking into Taco Bell for a cheese quesadilla when the march was over.
I didn't feel like a hypocrite because I believe that the government should be responsible for intervening at that level; that individuals can't be trusted to respect the interests of others, especially invisible others in a far off distant third world country.
Weapons of mass destruction and the laser beams that Bob Anderson spoke about are obviously unnecessary and worth raising your voice about, but I think that the anarchists and new age corporate bashers/aspiring communists should have left their issues at home.
I went to say simply "war is bad" but the general public saw us as a bunch of freaks and troublemakers, confused by the multiple opinions on our banners.
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I also thanked the police for their professionalism, while others wrote them off instantly as slaves to the machine and fascist puppets. A much greater evil is at work in the Middle East, and we shouldn't be distracted by a handful of policemen on large horses.
Ben Standage
International student