What's the primary reason most people use for not exercising? Time restrictions! School, work and family - it all adds up to a full week. Time . we all wish we had more of it. Energy.. "I am too tired at the end of the day to exercise." It may be hard to believe, but exercising actually gives you more energy.
Physically, exercise can increase your metabolism and blood flow, and reduce your blood pressure, heart rate and cholesterol. Exercise also can reduce your risk for heart disease, hypertension, heart attacks, cancer, diabetes, osteoporosis, obesity, lung disease and even asthma.
I have been involved in various physical activities most of my life. I was a competitive track and field athlete for many years, and then I started weight training.
Weight training combined with aerobic activity, such as walking, running, biking or swimming can increase your ability to do daily activities.
It provides increased muscle strength, bone density, flexibility, balance and coordination.
Exercise helps you to lose weight, maintain weight loss and reduce body fat. By being more physically fit, you experience less fatigue doing daily activities.
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While I like the physical benefits, I enjoy the mental and emotional benefits the most.
I am able to handle stress better. My temperament and mood are on an "even keel."
Those day-to-day problems don't seem so overwhelming anymore.
Exercise reduces anxiety, tension, and depression. When I run, I am able to process those daily problems and plan for future activities and goals.
This is "my time."Most important, exercise increases your self-confidence, self-esteem and sense of well being.
You feel good and you look good! Work, recreational and sports performance are improved.
So, "How do I find the time?" The American College of Sports Medicine recommends starting with three times a week for at least 20 to 30 minutes. Intensity, frequency and duration can be increased to achieve fitness goals.
This can be done by scheduling exercise time, just like a regular class or appointment. Consistency is the key.
The benefits of an exercise program are lost unless a habit is established. Decide on a reasonable time that will fit into your schedule - for instance: Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 7-8 p.m.
For me, the best time to exercise is in the morning, before work. I was never a "morning person," but I was able to do this over a period of time. Now, I enjoy the boost it gives me in the morning, and I feel good all day. I don't have the excuse at the end of the day that I am "too tired" to exercise.
"Is it safe for me to exercise?" According to the American College of Sports Medicine, "apparently healthy men and women, irrespective of age or coronary heart disease risk factors status, do not require a medical evaluation by a physician before embarking on a program of moderate exercise training."
Exercise is safe for most individuals. However, it is prudent to take precautions to optimize your exercise benefits.
If you or your family has a history of medical problems, it is recommended that you consult a physician and have a health appraisal done. If you have any concerns, it's best to ask questions first.
The UNM Student Health Center has many services to address your questions. Practitioners can give you a physical and health appraisal.
The Wellness Center Peer Consultants can assist you with lifestyle changes to reach your goals.
A nutritionist is available to help you eat right. For more information, call 277-3136.
Also, check out Bike Safety Day activities on Wednesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of Popejoy Hall for tips on recreational activities.
by Kim Henson
Student Health Center Columnist
Kim Henson is the manager of the Student Health Center, member of American College of Sports Medicine and 1999 New Mexico State/Mid-USA Women's Bodybuilding Champion.