I have to disagree with the dean of students' disclaimer in Friday's Daily Lobo that claims that the University does not in any way support or affiliate itself with anti-choice groups.
I do not have a problem with anyone who wants to utilize their constitutionally allowed right to free speech.
However, free advertising, from what I understand, is not a constitutional right granted to any group or individual.
I'm not sure what else you would call a billboard that's placed in a high traffic area on campus.
I know the University does have rules regulating advertisements because without them, I'm sure we would be inundated daily with billboards throughout campus encouraging us to drink Pepsi, eat at McDonalds and buy clothes from the Gap.
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If the anti-choice group really feels that is necessary for us to view a billboard-sized photograph of an aborted fetus, then they should rent a room for their display.
Or have it covered behind a curtain so that those who want to look at it can.
The University's president does have the power to ask this group to remove their billboard and replace it with signs or posters of an appropriate size.
If the president chooses to hide behind the freedom of speech excuse, then what's to stop businesses from using billboards to promote their wares?
Or let's take it a step further, will we allow other hate groups the same privileges?
Can the Ku Klux Klan display a billboard of white people lynching blacks with the text we're looking for a few good men to join our cause?
Will anti-war supporters be allowed to place a billboard by the Duck Pond with a picture of George Bush Jr. in front of a firing squad, juxtaposed with a burning American flag and a line that says supporting the president and the war is evil?
The above groups do have a right to express their ideas and should be allowed to do so on campus.
But I seriously doubt that Mr. Gordon or the University would allow any of them the same privilege if they wanted to express their graphic viewpoints on a billboard by the Duck Pond for a whole week.
So please, Mr. Gordon, use good judgment and do not tolerate such shameful advertising on campus.
Doug Flynn
Nondegree student