Ahh, the sweet smell of hypocrisy has once again swept over our campus.
I am utterly disgusted and infuriated by not only the tactics of the most recent "pro-life" organization's attempt to make those of us who believe in free choice feel guilty about our opinions but also the sheer hypocrisy of their cause in comparison to most of the other beliefs the far right in this country hold dear.
How can a person honestly say they are pro-life when discussing a fetus in the first trimester of its development and then expound on the validity of the death penalty or support the policies of a government responsible for the direct as well as indirect slaughter of millions of people worldwide?
Is murder ever appropriate? Is the killing of innocent children ever necessary?
I would suggest that those of you who feel that unborn children should be protected at the expense of the mother's personal right over her body work harder in the area of socialized birth control.
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Or are you against that as well, since it is a rather liberal idea? I do know that many of you put up a good fight about high schools providing condoms to their students.
Here is a thought. Give money to researchers working on an oral contraceptive for men.
Why not take in a single teen mother whose conservative or uncaring parents have abandoned her and her child?
I would suggest that you adopt all of the babies addicted to crack and/or heroin at birth, are suffering from AIDS, were basically abused so badly that they may never recover and who are currently floating through the over utilized and under staffed foster care systems of this country.
Lobby the United States government to cease and desist all foreign policies that can be linked to the death of even one person either through violence or starvation.
I would also suggest you work diligently to remove from office during the next presidential election, a man who as Texas governor, exterminated many people under the guise of public safety and the death penalty.
Here is one more recommendation for more effective uses of your time in the noble pursuit to save lives.
Give up your bizarre allegiance to the National Rifle Association and work toward banning all handguns and other lethal weapons not traditionally used for hunting; or is it that killing people who have already been born is more American than allowing a woman the right to choose her own destiny?
You can't have it both ways.
Bridgette Wagner-Jones
UNM staff