Here we are again at another crossroad in the debate of free speech. I support the right of pro-life organizations to present their side, but I am disgusted that they use scare-tactics and present false information to convey their point. Furthermore, I have a problem with the tolerance the University has given this exhibit, and I would like to point out several reasons why.
The University Student Activities Center spokeswoman said in the Tuesday Daily Lobo that the group is allowed to have a display if they don't obstruct pedestrians. If students are forced to dramatically vary their route to avoid seeing these images, they are indeed being obstructed.
I find it hard to believe that the University would allow pictures of mutilated bodies of innocent victims in the "war on terror."
Dean of Students Randy Boeglin said that, "The commerce of the University is ideas unfettered free speech ... We're an environment that operates on the free expression of ideas, some of what may be offensive."
To you I say, what about Professor Berthold? I guess, once again, free speech is selective. And it must follow Christian, conservative ideals. I find it funny that these pictures can be up in the name of free speech, and Berthold is no longer allowed to teach freshman courses.
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To Adrian Martinez, second vice chairman of the College Republicans and a Catholic, you disgust me. "Tree-hugging liberals shouting out rape?" Let me know the next time you're raped, because it happens to one in 10 men according to the U.S. Justice Department. If it doesn't happen to you, statistics show that one in four women will be raped in their lifetime. Mr. Martinez, will that be your mother, your daughter, your sister or your wife? I'd like to see you make rape sound so petty then.
In regard to your comments on the hangers, and the joke you made out of feminists using them, all I can say is you truly are a Bush supporter. Just like him, you mock people with hardships. Remember how Bush mocked Karla Faye Tucker after she pleaded for her life?
To those people with Justice for All Inc., in the words of Tori Amos, "God sometimes you just don't come through, do you need a woman to look after you?" You truly are sick.
To those who need help, please contact the Woman's Resource Center, Agora Crisis Center or Planned Parenthood. These organizations will be supportive of you and give you honest options.
Jennifer Herrera
RAINNdrops president and student