As a pro-choice woman, I have a few comments to make regarding the display by Justice for All in front of Ortega Hall.
First of all, I do support the right of Justice for All to convene and express their beliefs, though I do feel these tactics are emotive, tasteless and lacking in any authentic basis.
I always appreciate it when controversy sparks thoughtful dialogue on our often-apathetic campus. I was proud to see the Radical Cheerleaders, Progres-sive Student Alliance, NARAL and representatives from the Women's Resource Center passionately presenting the other side of the issue-in fun, reasonable and non-sensational ways.
My only complaint is with the UNM dean of student's self-righteous response to the complaints he has received. He emphasized that the group is entitled to the right of free speech on campus. He is of course, referring to the same campus where a tenured professor was nearly fired for expressing his freedom of speech.This is also the same campus where people peacefully protesting the Afghan war in front of the bookstore were threatened with Albuquerque's riot squad.
Maybe UNM's motto should be, "free speech for those that agree with UNM's administration." I seriously doubt that the powers that be would permit anyone to display 30-foot photographs of mutilated vaginas from illegal abortions or dead babies rotting in dumpsters.
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In closing, I would like to address the comments of Adrian Martinez, Republican and Catholic, in Tuesday's Daily Lobo. When are Republicans going to learn that being condescending and putting people down, "All you young, impressionable, teenage college students, who are for the first time realizing that you have choices ." does not usually win them over to your cause?
I personally believe that teenagers are perfectly capable of thinking for themselves. Furthermore, anyone who has attended UNM for more than one semester knows that there is a high proportion of non-traditional students on campus, who are also capable of making their own decisions, independent of "everything your parents believe and everything you have learned about life and God."
Thank goodness for universities, a place where people of all ages can come together and be exposed to new ideas.
Amanda Jane Veile
Non-teenage student,
non-Christian and
supporter of choice