UNM History Professor Richard Berthold told a freshman class on Sept. 11 that "anyone who can bomb the Pentagon has my vote."
If Professor Berthold wishes to seek the true absolution of his comments, he should turn himself over to the federal government for prosecution as a traitor.
Webster-Merriam publishes:
"Main Entry: trai˙tor Function: noun Etymology: Middle English traitre, from Old French, from Latin traditor, from tradere to hand over, deliver, betray, from trans-, tra- trans- + dare to give - more at DATE 1 : one who betrays another's trust or is false to an obligation or duty 2 : one who commits treason ."
Since the professor has indeed exercised the ultimate, constitutional freedom to speak his mind, we freely read his words and understand it as treasonous.
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It wasn't a stupid comment nor a joke. It was treasonous. If the jet plane had crashed into the crowded UNM Pit and a politician had twisted the same words on Sept. 11, there would be no holds barred.
Now if all words have consequences, he must face them. If the justice system pronounces constitutional absolution of the professor, he lives.
Brian Fritz
Former UNM graduate student