Many people have been writing to the Daily Lobo about their rights, which is their right and they are right to do so. I am writing not only because it is my right, but I want to address the rights that other people have been discussing.
Many people have been writing that they disagree with what other people have written about their rights. But some people seem to protest other people's right to write opinions that disagree with their own. Am I right?
Is it not my right to write my own opinion? Is it not my right to write that when you enter Zimmerman Library, you get blasted with hot air only to step inside and often times it is too cold? Am I right?
Is it not my right to run across campus in the freezing cold naked? Well, no, because that would infringe on other people's rights.
Other people have written about a person's right to vote and the individual's right to protest and that is their right. But are they right to make people feel that is an obligation rather than a right? Well, I suppose that's their right too. Just like it's my right not to vote and then to gripe and complain about the results, that's what I think it means to have my First Amendment rights. Am I right?
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Many of you may disagree with me, and that's your right, and if you do, you may feel free to write what you think is right. You may even be clever enough to remind of Shakespeare's "King Lear" and use the line, "Nothing can come of nothing" and I will speak again.
But more important, I want to emphasize that I don't know that I'm right and most important, nothing is as dangerous as knowing you're right.
David Kettunen
UNM senior majoring in English