There is nothing quite as comical as members of the "peace movement" bemoaning the fact that no one seems to care that they are protesting.
Maybe they would get more attention if they had some semblance of credibility on their side.
The fact that these embattled peace-warriors were out marching for two weeks before there was even a war to protest suggests to me that they were more eager to draw attention to themselves than to any desire for peace.
Sari Krosinsky, who was apparently so distraught by U.S. action against Afghanistan that she decided to host a house party, wrote a deeply moving introspective calling for a more confrontational approach to the ongoing anti-war protests.
All I can say is please do! The current protests are so bland they could be mistaken for a funeral procession. It seems clear to me that the peace movement has become a caricature of itself - there is no sincerity, no righteousness and, most important, no excitement.
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It is time for peace protesters to step it up and start accomplishing something besides light exercise.
Jesse Dickson
Civil engineering student