Many of us are already aware of the attempted corporatization of Pacifica Radio, and more specifically WBAI in New York City.
WBAI broadcasts "Democracy Now," hosted by Amy Goodman. This program is of particular relevance for New Mexicans because it has been aired by our own KUNM-FM every weekday at 4 p.m. for years.
As we are somewhat isolated here in New Mexico, a shining star such as "Democracy Now" is and has been an incredible source of non-corporate news that many of us look forward to daily.
Amy's fans already know that the show didn't air a few times last week, but we should also know that Amy has been physically accosted, locked out of her own studio and slandered by corporate elements on the Pacifica Board of Directors.
She has been their number one target since the corporate takeover of WBAI in January, since the on air resignation of fellow journalist Juan Gonzales, who refused to be censored by pro-corporate elements at WBAI.
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Amy has been a fearless critic of the corporate media for years, as well as a staunch supporter of human rights worldwide. Amy knows, as we do, that conflicts of interest of the most serious nature are abundant in the mainstream media, whether it's an arms manufacturer at the helm of NBC or the rabidly patriotic and unquestioning type of reporting that CNN fed us all during the Gulf War.
We deserve better, and for that matter, so do the citizens of nations worldwide who bear the scars of American imperialism such as Central America, East Timor, Sudan and Haiti. These unfortunate ventures would not take place if the good people of the United States had a reality-based news source.
WBAI is such a source and it needs the support of all of who have benefited from it over the years or would like to listen in the future. For an in depth account of recent events at Pacifica and WBAI, go to www.pacificacampaign.org.
Also there will be a rally and information session at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the UNM bookstore. This is a national day of protest in defense of Amy Goodman, Pacifica and the idea of non-corporate, community-run radio.
Support those who cover the oppressed and voiceless; support free speech in America. Support "Democracy Now" or it will be gone from our airwaves. That is the reality, we are losing this fight and now it is time to reclaim what was so obviously ours to begin with.
Jamin Jones,
UNM Student