Senate candidate Lorenzo Martinez wants to be a voice for students so he can do what they want.
Martinez, a junior majoring in physical education with a minor in athletic coaching, said he wants to see a change in the way the Senate is running student government.
"With help from other senators, I think a change could be made," he said.
Martinez said he's open-minded and would be a good representative for not just for certain student groups, but for all students on campus. He said many of the issues he wants to address, such as campus safety and allocation of student funds, have been around for a long time, but nothing has been done about them to his satisfaction.
"The issues have been there for a few years already, and I'd like to see something done about them," he said. "I can't do it by myself, but with the help of the senators things can be accomplished.
Martinez said the biggest challenge ASUNM will face next year is the criticism that will lie in the wake of the student publications amendment concerning the Daily Lobo funding and other bills the Senate has tried to pass.
When asked to name the president of the University, three members of the Board of Regents and three student groups, Martinez identified Dr. Bill Gordon as president, Fortner and Begay-Campbell as regents and the Omega Delpha Pi fraternity, the Black Student Organization and M.E.Ch.A. as student organizations.