As a former copy editor, I was appalled to see Iliana Lim¢n’s otherwise fantastic review of the Groobees on March 6 short-changed by poor editing. It was clear that a spell-check and not a human was used to edit that article.
For example, in describing a slow love song, it is referred to as a “ballot” instead of a ballad, and in dexcribing (sic) how the music spans the gamut of human emotions, the article read “the full gamete.” A gamete is a sex cell — anyone who has taken biology 101 would know this — and it’s a shame that a good article was overshadowed by these errors.
I know that time and money are tight right now, but I do think someone should be on staff to review and correct errors such as these. I enjoy reading the Lobo, but seeing typos and grammatical errors is an unwelcome interruption to otherwise worthwhile reading material.
--Michelle Cristiani
Anthropology Department